[forge-dev] Problem with OpenShift plugin in plugin repository

William DeCoste wdecoste at redhat.com
Tue Jun 19 18:07:11 EDT 2012

In that case, I vote for getting rid of Express.

On 6/19/12 3:04 PM, Lincoln Baxter wrote:
> Due to a bug in the Forge plugin name resolution, "openshift" conflicts with "openshift-express" and cannot be installed. ("openshift-express" can.) We will fix this in the next version of Forge, but unfortunately, that's not what's going into JBDS.
> Which would you like to keep?
> --
> Lincoln Baxter, III
> JBoss, by Red Hat
> lbaxter at redhat.com
> "If you want something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse."

Bill DeCoste
Principal Software Engineer, Red Hat
wdecoste at redhat.com

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