[forge-dev] Forge test failures due to JavaParser Formatting

Thomas Frühbeck fruehbeck at aon.at
Tue May 22 19:26:44 EDT 2012

as Lincoln already mentioned the problem is mainly a formating issue.
There are to sides to the problem:
   - pure indentation changes: \t to "  "
   - change in positioning of braces: Java style to C# style
The Code Conventions for Java Programming Language is very clear about 
that, so this is kinda question of taste.

One possibility would be to normalize all whitespace like
         content.replaceAll("(\r|\n|\\s)+"," ")
but then the idea of the test would become somewhat absurd, because this 
is, what the test should test.
And then it would _not_ solve the braces positioning issue :-/


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