[forge-dev] Required Parameter is ignored although it is set

Alex Soto Bueno asotobue at redhat.com
Wed Jan 25 10:40:45 EST 2017


I  have next command:

public class AddAlgeronFolderPublisher extends AbstractProjectCommand
implements UICommand

   private ProjectFactory projectFactory;

   private FacetFactory facetFactory;

   @WithAttributes(shortName = 'o', label = "Output Folder", required =
   private UISelectOne<String> outputFolder;

   @WithAttributes(shortName = 'c', label = "Contracts Folder")
   private UISelectOne<String> contractFolder;

   public UICommandMetadata getMetadata(UIContext context)
      return Metadata.from(super.getMetadata(context), getClass())
              .name("Arquillian Algeron: Add Folder Publisher")
              .description("This command registers a Folder Publisher for

   public void initializeUI(UIBuilder builder) throws Exception

// ......

When in Forge console I run:

arquillian-algeron-add-folder-publisher --output-folder /tmp

I got:

***INFO*** Required inputs not satisfied, entering interactive mode
***ERROR*** Output Folder must be specified.

But you can see that I am setting the attribute in the command so any idea
of why this is failing?

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