[forge-users] Scaffolding derived classes?

forge-users at lists.jboss.org forge-users at lists.jboss.org
Fri Jan 23 13:22:48 EST 2015

Using Forge 2.13.0.Final in Jboss Dev. Studio 8.0.2.GA
Is it possible to generate AngularJS scaffolding for derived classes?

I have the following base class
public class BaseUser implements Serializable {

and the following two derived classes
@DiscriminatorValue(value= UserType.SCHOOLADMIN)
public class SchoolAdmin extends BaseUser implements Serializable

@DiscriminatorValue(value = "S")
public class Student extends BaseUser implements Serializable {

and more to come... I use:
scaffold-generate --provider AngularJS --targets  domain.* --generateRestResources --generator ROOT_AND_NESTED_DTO

BaseUser gets scaffolded properly (ie: end points, DTOs, AngularJS foo all created) (which I really won't need) but the derived classes do not.

1. Am I missing something basic?
2. Is there a different approach I should be taking?

Thanks in advance for any and all pointers.

Posted by forums
Original post: https://developer.jboss.org/message/916840#916840

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