[Hawkular-dev] [Metrics] Python client and perspective from client developing..

Viliam Rockai vrockai at redhat.com
Tue Feb 17 08:44:53 EST 2015


I'm replying so this thread is not forgotten. I've got similar troubles
when creating services for the UI. Readme files for our rest apis
(including how to build/start servers) are outdated. Is someone working
on that, do we need to create JIRAs, or we just don't care at this point
since the iron is still hot?



On Mon, 2015-02-16 at 15:21 +0200, Michael Burman wrote:
> Hi,
> As we need clients to actually push data to our system (and that way to 
> get users & community), I've written one for the Python. I've tried to 
> follow what a normal contributor would do and just read the 
> documentation that's available. Short story - there isn't enough 
> documentation.
> I don't think we reached a consensus yet where to push the client source 
> codes, so I haven't created a pull request for this and for that reason 
> haven't renamed the repository either. It is available from 
> https://github.com/burmanm/rhq-metrics-python-client with documentation. 
> I'll gladly take ideas, my Python most likely looks like some other 
> language written in Python syntax - but it works.
> There are tests that trigger against the real hawkular-metrics server 
> (0.30.0-SNAPSHOT). Usually the Python client developers target a mocked 
> endpoint, but I decided to go after the real server as I believe our API 
> might still change and the documentation isn't a reliable reference 
> point. I tried to follow the documentation on 
> https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-metrics/tree/master/api/metrics-api-jaxrs 
> but I had to revert in some cases to reading the source code on what was 
> really wanted, especially after receiving 400 / 500 error codes while 
> doing the testing (when the json looked like in the examples). I also 
> only created abilities that are defined on that page, as I have no idea 
> if rest of the undocumented REST APIs are actually there to stay or to 
> be removed.
> Which brings me to the question, what parts of the API are stable at the 
> moment? There's counters and such which are not documented at all. We 
> have huge selection of endpoints for any client developer to implement, 
> perhaps too many of them. I can try to improve documentation, but even 
> then I would want to know what's going on. I heard alerts is getting 
> swagger-annotations, which is nice.
>    -  Micke
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