[Hawkular-dev] generation of message POJOs via JSON schema

Jay Shaughnessy jshaughn at redhat.com
Fri Feb 27 13:46:05 EST 2015

On 2/27/2015 1:28 PM, Stefan Negrea wrote:
> <clip>
> Now, one thing that I would be very concerned to see is transforming the bus into a central repository and source for schemas. The bus should be designed following the "dumb pipes" [1] principle. It should take care of delivery but never ever inspect or make decisions based on actual content piped.
> [1] http://martinfowler.com/articles/microservices.html#SmartEndpointsAndDumbPipes

No doubt the bus should be (and is) dumb plumbing.  What we are talking 
about are the apps using the bus, and what makes it easy for them to 
provide and consume messages.  It seems like we could do a little better 
than reading docs, screwing up, and retrying, at least for Java 
clients.  I would happily incorporate a Gson-ready pojo guaranteed to 
parse out the Json dropped on HawkularMetricsData topic.  I don't really 
care which client jar I need to get it, whether it was a kettle client 
jar or a metrics client jar.

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