[Hawkular-dev] Checking and fixing license headers

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Mon Jan 19 13:45:10 EST 2015

Hi *,

This [1] is is the second version of the PR. It solves the problem 
raised by tsegismont (whose validity was confimed by RH Legal) that in 
the license headers it is necessary to

 > modify the year only in the event of changes and, in that event carry
 > forward the initial year.  For example, if there's a change in 2016,
 > or 2015 and 2016, I'd modify the entry to say Copyright 2014-2016.

The present solution uses a place holder ${license.copyrightYears} in 
the template [2] that is evaluated by the license plugin separately for 
every source file, based on its git history.

My 150116-license [3] branch in metrics shows how to use it.

There are two use cases:

(1) Fix or add the license headers in all project's files through

     mvn license:format

     Note that the commit [4] is a result of running mvn license:format
     in the root directory of metrics

(2) Check the presence of the headers and their correctness through

     mvn license:check

     Note that license:check is bound to the validation phase [5]

Is [1] OK to be merged to hawkular-build-tools?



[1] https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-build-tools/pull/1
[3] https://github.com/ppalaga/rhq-metrics/tree/150116-license
[5] https://github.com/ppalaga/rhq-metrics/blob/150116-license/pom.xml#L491

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