[Hawkular-dev] Hawkular-BTM 0.1.0.Final Released

Gary Brown gbrown at redhat.com
Thu Jul 2 03:45:08 EDT 2015

I am happy to announce release 0.1.0 of the Hawkular Business Transaction Management project. The main focus for this release has been on capturing as much structural information about a business transaction as possible, with the minimum of configuration on the part of the user.

Highlights of this release:

    * Definition of the Business Transaction model for exchanging trace fragments related to business transaction execution across multiple systems/environments

    * Basic in-memory REST service for reporting and querying business transaction fragments (REST API documentation)

    * Integration with Hawkular Accounts, to provide authorization and authentication

    * Embedded business transaction collector (agent), leveraging ByteMan to instrument technologies of interest

    * Provide instrumentation rule model and translation to ByteMan rules (text based)

    * Instrumentation agent tested in:

        Java standalone app (e.g. micro services)


        Apache Tomcat

        Apache Karaf OSGi Container

    * Initial instrumentation rules for:

        Camel core

        HTTP clients (apache httpclient, java HttpURLConnection, RESTEasy JAX-RS client)






Only basic information for each of these technologies is currently recorded, so future releases will enhance these rules, as well as add rules for other relevant technologies. If you have particular technologies you are interested in instrumenting, then please raise a feature request in our jira.

Download the release from here: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-btm/releases

Documentation can be found here: http://www.hawkular.org/docs/components/btm/index.html

The detailed release notes can be found here: https://issues.jboss.org/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?projectId=12316120&version=12327163

Feature requests and bugs should be reported in our project jira: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HWKBTM

Thanks to Juraci Paixão Kröhling for his help on integrating with Hawkular Accounts and Peter Palaga for his help with the release.

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