[Hawkular-dev] Alerts API

Artur Dryomov artur.dryomov at gmail.com
Sat Jun 20 18:26:41 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to use Hawkular API with AeroGear for Android.

Just to remind everyone, the Hawkular Alerts API uses HTTP PUT requests for actions such as resolve and acknowledge. Affected alert IDs are passed as a HTTP query parameter. As such, if I want to resolve an alert with ID “oops”, I need to do the following request:

http PUT :8080/hawkular/alerts/resolve?alertIds=oops

At the same time, AeroGear uses PUT requests more traditionally, appending model ID to the request URL so it looks something like “hawkular/alerts/resolve/oops”. As a result, I have no ability to use Alert actions using AeroGear, because there is no real way to customise the behaviour the easy way.

The goal of this message is to start the discussion around this topic and maybe decide what is better to do from Hawkular or AeroGear side. I’m adding Daniel and Summers to the discussion as AeroGear Android developers, maybe they can elaborate a little and provide ideas and / or details.


[1]: http://www.hawkular.org/docs/rest/rest-alerts.html <http://www.hawkular.org/docs/rest/rest-alerts.html>

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