[Hawkular-dev] [GSoC] Hawkular Android Client: Weekly Report #4

Artur Dryomov artur.dryomov at gmail.com
Sun Jun 21 17:39:58 EDT 2015

Hi everyone,

This year I am working on the Hawkular Android application as part of the
Google Summer of Code 2015 program.

I’ve spent the last week mostly on the Alert-related activities..

At this point you can list alerts in a format very similar to the web UI
[1]. There is a PR with actions support, but actual actions processing is
delayed due to API and AeroGear limitations — I’ve sent an email about it
to the ML some time ago.

The application got the push notifications support [3]. With a great help
from #hawkular and #aerogear guys I finally managed to run the whole
system, which includes Hawkular, Google Cloud Messaging and AeroGear
Unified Push Server. The process at moment is not very end-user-friendly
and there are no guides describing every step, so I combined one from
various sources [4]. Unfortunately the format of messages sent by Hawkular
is not great at moment, so only a generic notification is shown. This most
likely will change in the future.

I’ve rewrote the authorization procedure as well. It is now contained at a
standalone screen [5]. There is a PR for a navigation drawer [6]. It will
need some work to be merged so I can make it actually work.

This week I would like to work on combining my efforts into a single state.
By that I mean the navigation drawer integration, cleaning up screens and
making them work together a bit better. Hopefully it will become a
kind-of-ready-to-use application.

Have a nice week!

[1]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/13
[2]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/18
[3]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/15
[5]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/16
[6]: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-android-client/pull/20
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