[Hawkular-dev] Properties store?

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Wed May 20 08:13:09 EDT 2015

On 19 May 2015, at 15:16, John Sanda wrote:

> I agree with Lukas. At lease in RHQ, we treated most things as time 
> series because we are interested in changes over time. Metrics is one 
> type of time series.

Of course we are interested in changes over time.
That does not imply storing everything as metric, as (to use that
argument too) also did not do in RHQ.

Traits and configuration data got a very separate treatment from
numeric metrics and also need it.

How do you aggregate traits or config objects?

How do you display traits or config objects in charts for gauge data?

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