[Hawkular-dev] you can now download a wildfly agent installer from kettle

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Mon Nov 16 08:46:46 EST 2015

> right, interactive installer is another approach. Currently, you can actually
> reuse the same jar and use the
> --wildfly-home=/path/to/your/wildfly/home to change the path, not sure if the
> param takes precedence before the property files though, Mazz can shed some
> light here.

Correct. The way the installer works is every setting you see in the .properties file can be overridden by installer cmdline options (not just wildfly home).

> ok, in that case, everything could be optional in the UI and if the wf-home
> is not filled in the property files, nor passed as the param, the installer
> can ask in the bash. This sounds good.

Right now if there is no wildfly home in the properties or as a cmdline option, the installer fails.

Installer does not use Aesh. Sounds like we have to switch to using that before we go further with installer commandline enhancements.

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