[Hawkular-dev] Heads up: Accounts URL is changing!

Juraci Paixão Kröhling jpkroehling at redhat.com
Wed Sep 2 11:38:27 EDT 2015


As reported via HAWKULAR-454 , it seems that the context I use on 
Accounts backend is not in line with the context used by other modules.

Hence, Accounts' backend URL will be changing!

- If you only depend on the accounts-api module, then you might just 
need to update to the latest Accounts version with this change 
(1.0.12.Final, to be released).

- If you do REST calls to /hawkular-accounts, you'll need to change it 
to /hawkular/accounts .

- This change will happen for Accounts 1.0.12.Final . Changes in 
Hawkular proper (aka kettle) will be performed by me .

The plan is to release 1.0.12.Final at most by the end of the next week, 
but hopefully on Tuesday. The only difference between 1.0.11.Final and 
.12.Final will be this context path change. It would be a good idea to 
have your component updated to .11.Final by then, to make sure any 
possible new issues are solely related to the context path change.

- Juca.

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