[Hawkular-dev] Hawkular Metrics - /data enpoint

Heiko W.Rupp hrupp at redhat.com
Mon Apr 4 04:56:15 EDT 2016

On 2 Apr 2016, at 0:24, Stefan Negrea wrote:
> The plan is to deprecate existing '*/data' endpoints in the upcoming
> release (0.15.0) and remove them in the release after that (0.16.0). That
> gives enough time (roughly 2 months) for all existing projects to migrate
> to the newer API. Does anybody see any problem with this timeline?

There are users out there that use the old api in production.
They may not even be aware that there is a new one.

If they deploy the new hawkular-metrics (or someone does
for them), their apps will break and they may not even know

REST allows for content negotiation. So we should keep the
old endpoint, deprecate them (and perhaps even spit regular
warnings in the logs) and on top add the new endpoints
that you suggested but with a new content type
like "application/json+hawkular-v2".
In fact if we keen old and new, that new content type
is not exactly needed if the data format exchanged does not

Btw: I doubt that GET ../data and POST ../data is confusing anyone
and in Jax-Rs you can have those on two different methods anyway.

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