[Hawkular-dev] change in hawkular wildfly agent platform resource type and metric type IDs

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Mon Aug 22 16:08:54 EDT 2016

I realized recently that the Hawkular WildFly Agent generates poorly named resource type and metric type IDs for the platform resources (e.g. Operation System, File Store, Memory, Processor, Power Source resource types and their metrics like "Total Memory" and "Available Memory"). Because all types must be stored in Hawkular Inventory at the root level and are all therefore peers of one another, the names need to be such that they don't risk collisions with other names now or in the future (e.g. the type name "Available Memory" is just way to generic for anyone to know what it is, what resource types it belongs to and risks colliding with other resource types that may need to define a "Available Memory" metric type in the future).

This JIRA [1] has been fixed in a PR [2].

I do not think this affects anybody because if the clients are doing "the right thing" and not hardcoding IDs (tsk tsk if you are), then a normal querying of resources to get their resource types and metric types will get you the new IDs without having to change anything.

Besides, I don't think anyone is using the Platform resources now anyway (the old Hawkular UI did, I think, but I don't think we do in the MiQ stuff).

But I bring this up just in case. Look at your stuff - do you use the platform resources like Operating System, File Store, Memory, Processor, etc??? If you do, and you hardcoded IDs, you need to change your code (better yet, change your code so it doesn't hardcode and use the inventory API to query the data instead).

--John Mazz

[1] JIRA: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HWKAGENT-133
[2] PR: https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-agent/pull/246

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