[Hawkular-dev] Downsizing the Nest deployments

Peter Palaga ppalaga at redhat.com
Thu Feb 4 07:28:47 EST 2016

Hi *,

there is a couple of jars our war deployments could load from WF modules 
that are available either on a stock WF/EAP installation (apache 
commons.*, guava 18, ...) or that are our own (c* driver, guava 16).

Technically, it would mean to mark those dependencies as provided and 
declare them as dependencies in jboss-deployment-structure.xml.

The motivation is twofold:

(1) Make clear that (if applicable) it is the container teams who is 
responsible for sustaining and productization of the jars.

(2) Make the wars smaller - faster to build, faster to release/upload, 
faster to download, faster to deploy.

Can anybody see a reason why we should not follow this strategy?



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