[Hawkular-dev] Performance Tests of Different Hawkular Inventory Backends

John Sanda jsanda at redhat.com
Tue Feb 23 14:53:49 EST 2016

Lukas do you have any insight into how Titan supports transactions with Cassandra? I know that Titan still uses the thrift API,which presumably rules out the light weight transactions introduced in C* 2.0. These are not to be confused with ACID transactions. It is more of an atomic update using a consensus protocol. Then you have atomic or logged batches which are atomic in the sense that either all of the statements will succeed or none will; however, they can succeed *eventually*. These have more overhead than unlogged batches because the mutations are first written to a batch log. Applying multiple mutations to the same partitions is an atomic operation. In other words, whether you update 1 or 50 columns, if it is done within the same partition (and within the same operation), it is atomic.

My point being that Cassandra is definitely not a transactional data store, so I am really curious about what Titan is doing.

> On Feb 23, 2016, at 1:48 PM, Lukas Krejci <lkrejci at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 02/23/2016 07:42 PM, Jay Shaughnessy wrote:
>> Lukas,
>> That's excellent news.  Multiple backends is not something we really
>> want to deal with.  Also, it might be nice to see a short presentation
>> on the "best practices" for Tx handling.  But then again, that Tx stuff
>> is handled at the Gremlin level?  So, perhaps not relevant to direct C*
>> consumers like Alerts.
> You're right. Inventory uses Gremlin to handle transactions, so it 
> doesn't directly "see" what is Titan doing behind the scenes.
>> On 2/23/2016 12:43 PM, Lukas Krejci wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> lately I've become really dissatisfied with how Inventory performed and
>>> semi-publicly blamed Titan for that (because that was what looked like
>>> the cause of all world's problems in my then uneducated eyes ;) ).
>>> I decided to do some performance comparisons. Because we didn't want
>>> Hawkular to ship with 2 different NoSQL backends (C* for metrics and
>>> whatever else for Inventory), I chose an RDBMS as a good conservative
>>> alternative (because people, IMHO, are still more comfortable dealing
>>> with an RDBMS than with NoSQL databases).
>>> Currently, inventory is written against the graph DSL called Gremlin
>>> (from Tinkerpop 2.6.0). Fortunately, there exists a "toy" SQL backend
>>> for Tinkerpop 2 that we could try and see if it performed any good
>>> (which would frankly be surprising, given the fact it stores the graph
>>> data rather naively). With some luck, no code would have to be changed
>>> on our side to see the results.
>>> We had no such luck.
>>> Making the inventory run with the SQL backend was literally a day worth
>>> of work (if that) and the first preliminary tests showed that Inventory
>>> with Postgres backend performed much much better that Titan with
>>> embedded Cassandra. But the tests also uncovered some problems with the
>>> way Inventory code handled transactions.
>>> Fast forward 3 weeks and see large parts of Hawkular inventory updated
>>> to correctly handle transactions. Now a single call to Inventory really
>>> results in at most 1 transaction in the backend.
>>> So, I went and re-ran the tests. Also, I refrained from using embedded
>>> Cassandra and instead use a locally running 2-node cluster.
>>> The results caught me by surprise. Not so much that the naive SQL
>>> backend didn't perform particularly well, but the difference between the
>>> performance of Titan before and after the transaction handling fixes.
>>> To not keep you waiting any longer for the results: Titan + C* is the
>>> winner.
>>> For nice charts that include comparison to the old misbehaving impl, see:
>>> https://dashboards.ly/ua-tALzrY9rEoRBXvsLXbZJHT
>>> Cheers,
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> -- 
> Lukas Krejci
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