[Hawkular-dev] RfD: Technical user

Juraci Paixão Kröhling jpkroehling at redhat.com
Mon Jan 25 05:39:34 EST 2016

For the HAWKULAR-882 issue: I think this problem should be delegated to 
the "Wildfly" part of Hawkular. Just like we can add/remove data 
sources, it should be possible to change the email settings, or 
add/remove caches, and so on. So, no technical user would be needed.

For HAWKULAR-876, I don't think this as a problem with the product 
itself. Yes, it would be interesting to have it for demo purposes, but I 
guess that we'll "guess" wrong most of the times. So, I'd vote to keep 
it as it is: on -Pdev, it uses jdoe. On non-dev builds, it waits for an 
user to configure the agent. In my opinion, it would be confusing to use 
the "first registered user", and potentially dangerous.

For HAWKULAR-801, I have a similar opinion as for -882: if it can be 
activated by JMX, it can be done within the "Application Servers" tab. 
If a Cassandra can be detected in the environment, then allow some 

I *really* don't see a need for a "technical" user (or a "root", 
"rhqadmin", or whatever the name would be).

- Juca.

On 25.01.2016 11:10, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hey,
> so far every user in the system is "equal", but we start seeing more
> and more use cases where we need a primus inter pares.
> See e.g.
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAWKULAR-882
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAWKULAR-876
> and also
> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/HAWKULAR-801
> Those actions are nothing any arbitrary normal
> user should be able to do.
> We need a solution for this, which could be some
> technical / admin user for the server like 'rhqadmin'.
> But unlike rhqadmin, this user should possibly not
> part of the 'customers' organizations and thus not
> the default user for WildFlys etc.
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