[Hawkular-dev] SSL by default

Juraci Paixão Kröhling jpkroehling at redhat.com
Wed May 25 07:54:47 EDT 2016


I just sent a PR for hawkular-services [1] that adds SSL support by 
default to the distribution.

I'd like you to take a moment and do a couple of simple tests of your 
component against this distribution, specially if you perform REST calls 
to a component endpoint.

Apart from the Agent, I'm not aware of any REST calls made by individual 
components, but I'd need to be aware of any problems that this change 
might cause.

My next step is to change the agent to accept certs on our keystore.

A few comments:
- The HTTP port is not redirecting to HTTPS yet. This might require 
changes to the individual component's web.xml , which I'll be adding soon.
- The certificate inside the keystore is a self-signed one. Should we 
ship it on the main distribution, with instructions telling users to 
replace our certificate with a real one? Or should we *not* ship it? 
Related question: are we even allowed to ship such keystores?
- As mentioned in the previous point, the cert is self-signed. So, you 
might need to add "-k" to curl to bypass the cert verification.
- Authentication with client cert is not yet available.

1 - https://github.com/hawkular/hawkular-services/pull/2

- Juca.

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