[Hawkular-dev] Hawkular APM and instrumenting clojure

Gary Brown gbrown at redhat.com
Fri Feb 3 04:54:11 EST 2017

Hi Neil

----- Original Message -----
> As an experiment I'm instrumenting a service written in clojure using
> opentracing-java. Through the clojure/java interop I've mostly succeeded in
> getting trace information reported through to the Hawkular APM server.
> I say "mostly succeeded" because sooner or later in every one of my hacking
> sessions I get to the point where the spans I am creating in the app are no
> longer reported in the web ui.
> For convenience I'm using the Hawkular dev docker image . In my test app I'm
> doing nothing more than initializing an APMTracer with the appropriate
> environment variables set, and then calling buildSpan("foo"),
> withTag("sampling.priority", 1), start(), sleep for a while, and then
> finish(). Where all of the previous was done in clojure, but I'm talking in
> pseudocode here just to make the intent clear.
> So like I said, sometimes these traces are reported, other times they seem to
> be silently dropped. I can't detect any consistent pattern how or why this
> happens...
> (1) Is using a "sampling.priority" of 1 merely advisory? It would explain
> everything if those traces are meant to be dropped.

If using the default constructor for APMTracer, then the default behaviour should be to trace all - and setting the sampling.priority to 1 should not override that. Could you try not setting this tag to see if there is any difference?

> (2) Is there any convenient way I can see, with increased logging or
> something, which traces are actually being sent from the client, and which
> are actually received by the server?

You could initially check the traces stored in Elasticsearch using something like: curl http://localhost:9200/apm-hawkular/trace/_search | python -m json.tool

Do you have a pure Java example that reproduces the same issue? Might be worth creating a jira in https://issues.jboss.org/projects/HWKAPM to track the issue.


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