[Hawkular-dev] hosa - /metrics can be behind auth; 2 new metrics

John Mazzitelli mazz at redhat.com
Tue Feb 7 21:08:47 EST 2017

[this is more for Matt W, but will post here]

Two new things in HOSA - these have been released under the 1.2.0.Final version and is available on docker hub - see https://hub.docker.com/r/hawkular/hawkular-openshift-agent/tags/

1) Hawkular WildFly Agent has its own metrics endpoint (so it can monitor itself). The endpoint is /metrics. This is nothing new.

But the /metrics can now be configured behind basic auth. If you configure this in the agent config, you must authenticate to see the metrics:

    username: foo
    password: bar

You can pass these in via env. vars and thus you can use OpenShift secrets for it.

2) There are now two new metrics (both gauges) the agent itself emits:

hawkular_openshift_agent_monitored_pods (The number of pods currently being monitored)

hawkular_openshift_agent_monitored_endpoints (The number of endpoints currently being monitored)

That is all.

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