[hibernate-announce] Hibernate Core 3.3.0.CR1

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Fri May 2 00:00:23 EDT 2008

The Hibernate team is pleased to announce the release of Hibernate  
Core 3.3.0.CR1.  This release features:
* a redesign of the "second level cache" SPI
* a new integration with JBossCache 2.x taking full advantage of this  
new SPI (special thanks to Brian Stansberry for his help and hard work  
on this)
* introduction of the org.hibernate.jdbc.Work API for performing JDBC  
work without interfering with connection release modes

Another change in this release from previous releases is the switch  
Maven, which has a few implications for users.  The biggest is the  
splitting of the project into what Maven terms modules.  Essentially  
we utilized modules for isolating optional features sets.  For  
example, there is a module for the integration of JBoss Cache 2.x as  
the "second level cache".  In terms of users, that means that there is  
a separate jar defining that integration.  But also, for those using  
Maven or another library which understands its notion of transitive  
dependencies, the specific dependencies of JBoss Cache 2.x are  
isolated to just that module.

The Maven artifacts are deployed to the JBoss Maven repository (http://repository.jboss.org/maven2 
) under the groupId of org.hibernate.  The main artifactId is  
hibernate-core.  Over the next few days we will be writing up some  
descriptions for the web site describing the various modules/ 
artifactIds and the purpose of each.

For those not using Maven, we do still build a dist for upload to  
SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=40712&package_id=127784&release_id=595668

There have been a few issues identified with the SourceForge bundles.   
They have all been pretty minor and none code related.  The issue with  
the biggest impact is probably the fact that a few dependencies are  
missing from the bundles.  We have identified jta.jar, javaassist and  
cglib (and its asm deps).  These will be corrected for another CR and  
eventual GA.

Steve Ebersole

Project Lead
steve at hibernate.org

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