[hibernate-announce] Hibernate Search (and others) in Quarkus

Yoann Rodiere yoann at hibernate.org
Tue Nov 12 07:20:43 EST 2019


Quarkus 1.0 was announced a few days ago, so we'd like to remind everyone
that on top of being available in most pre-existing frameworks, Hibernate
ORM, Search and Validator are already in Quarkus!

There's plenty of documentation and examples on the Quarkus website itself.
For more insight into Hibernate Search specifically, we just released a
walkthrough. It explains how to create a REST + CRUD application that
provides full-text search features by leveraging Hibernate Search to
automatically mirror (parts of) the database to Elasticsearch. It also
covers building the application as a native binary and then packaging and
running it in a container.


   - Hibernate Search + Quarkus walkthrough:
   - Twitter: https://twitter.com/yoannrodiere/status/1194178682249715713

Happy coding!

Yoann Rodière
Hibernate Team
yoann at hibernate.org

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