[hibernate-announce] Hibernate Validator 6.1.0.Final and 6.0.18.Final released

Guillaume Smet guillaume.smet at hibernate.org
Wed Nov 20 13:30:22 EST 2019


Earlier this month, we released Hibernate Validator 6.1.0.Final and

6.0.18.Final is a bugfix release, nothing much to say about it.

6.1.0.Final has some exciting changes, including the move to Jakarta Bean
Validation and a new bootstrap tailored for Quarkus.

More about all that in the full announcement:
https://in.relation.to/2019/11/20/hibernate-validator-610-6018-released/ .

Both versions deprecate and mark for removal the @SafeHtml constraint. I
explained the rationale of this change in the blog post.

Have a nice day!


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