[hibernate-dev] Dev. Environment for Hibernate Annotations

Oliver B. Fischer o.b.fischer at gmx.de
Wed Jan 2 08:07:43 EST 2008


I would like to setup an development environment for Annotations to
contribute ANN-537.

The build.xml of the doc directory references an property
hibernate-cvs.doc.reference, which seems to reference an checkout of
the annotations manual. Does someone know how to configure my
environment in such a way, that I am able to build the whole
Annotations distribution?



Oliver B. Fischer                  Tel.    +49 (0)30 44 79 32 51
Schönhauser Allee 64               Mobil:  +49 (0)178 7903538
D-10437 Berlin                     mailto:o.b.fischer at gmx.de

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