[hibernate-dev] JPA2 locking

Thamayanthi Guhan thamayanthi.g at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 05:57:08 EDT 2009

Hello Everyone,

I would like to contribute in  hibernate developement. Can any one provide
guidance to start?


On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 10:45 AM, Scott Marlow <smarlow at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 10/16/2009 03:40 PM, Emmanuel Bernard wrote:
> > When I discussed that with Gavin, I believe this idea is that you can
> > implement the optimistic locking in the following way:
> >  - when locking an object read the version number (or if already
> > loaded keep this one - not sure about that detail)
> >  - when flushing or right before commit, read the version number again
> > from the database and compare.
> > If they are different => exception
> >
> > A provider may but is not forced to acquire the lock
> >
> > Note that today we implement Optimistic in a pessimistic way (ie que
> > acquire the DB lock right away).
> >
> > So there are three levels really
> > no lock => we check versions upon UPDATE operations
> > optimistic => we check versions on reads as well and verify consistency
> > pessimistic => we lock at the DB level.
> Currently, the Hibernate EM depends on Hibernate core for locking (as it
> should).  I have a few questions about how achieve the above locking
> with Hibernate core and about what changes are needed.
> The JPA 2 locking operations that we need support for are:
> OPTIMISTIC (equal to READ) - should read the version initially and
> confirm that it hasn't changed at transaction commit time.  We should
> throw OptimisticLockException if the version has changed.  I think that
> we need a new LockMode for this (similar to LockMode.READ).  For
> extended persistence context (meaning that the duration is beyond the
> end of transaction), I think that we use the entity value from the
> extended persistence context as is but should still confirm that it
> hasn't changed at commit time (optimistically assume that it hasn't
> changed initially).
> OPTIMISTIC_FORCE_INCREMENT (equal to WRITE) - should read the version
> initially.  At transaction commit time, confirm that the version hasn't
> changed as we increment it via update.  We should throw
> OptimisticLockException if the version has changed.  I think that we
> need a new LockMode for this (similar to LockMode.READ and
> LockMode.FORCE).  Same rules as above for extended persistence context.
> PESSIMISTIC_WRITE - Should obtain a database write lock on the entity.
> Hibernate LockMode.Upgrade could be used for this on dialects that
> support it.  For dialects that don't support LockMode.Upgrade, a
> PessimisticLockException should be thrown.
> PESSIMISTIC_READ - Should obtain a shared database read lock on the
> entity (for the duration of the database transaction).  How should we
> support this?  The JPA 2 specification allows the PESSIMISTIC_WRITE
> behavior to be used.
> increment version at transaction commit time (even if entity isn't
> updated).  I think that we need a new LockMode for this.  We need a way
> to throw an exception if not supported.
> For pessimistic locks, only lock element collections and relationships
> owned by the entity, if property javax.persistence.lock.scope is set to
> "PessimisticLockScope.EXTENDED".
> Assuming we do the above, we need to release note that READ/WRITE locks
> are obtained in optimistic manner which is a change from our JPA 1 support.
> Comments?
> Any volunteers willing to help with JPA 2 implementation (coding,
> testing, moral support) are welcome to join in.:-)
> Scott
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