[hibernate-dev] FindBugs Community Review of Hibernate

Nat Ayewah ayewah at cs.umd.edu
Mon Apr 12 14:47:14 EDT 2010


I am a PhD student working with the FindBugs project, at the University 
of Maryland. FindBugs <http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/> is a popular 
open source static analysis tool that can analyze Java software and 
identify bugs. We recently analyzed *Hibernate*, and identified about 59 
warnings that might be of interest to the project. You can launch an 
instance of FindBugs and evaluate each warning using this link (requires 
Java): http://findbugs.cs.umd.edu/cloud/hibernate.jnlp

FindBugs has recently started a community review of several open source 
projects. This is similar to a recently completed review 
<http://findbugs.sourceforge.net/> at Google in which almost 300 
engineers reviewed thousands of issues, fixing many of them. I would 
like to invite you all to participate in the review for Hibernate, and 
other open source projects. During the review, you are able to comment 
on each warning and evaluate it as "Must Fix", "Mostly Harmless", "Not a 
Bug" and other classifications. We are particularly interested in 
learning if any warnings are causing problems in production.

The list of projects currently included in our review is at 

Thanks in advance for your consideration.

Kind regards,

Nat Ayewah
PhD candidate, University of Maryland
ayewah at cs.umd.edu

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