[hibernate-dev] Building a SessionFactory

Emmanuel Bernard emmanuel at hibernate.org
Thu Apr 21 04:11:18 EDT 2011

On 21 avr. 2011, at 05:43, Steve Ebersole wrote:

> I think this new API for creating a SessionFactory is starting to firm 
> up, so I wanted to put out another call for feedback before we get too 
> close to Alpha3.  So at a high level there are 2 pieces of information 
> needed to build the SessionFactory: the ServiceRegistry and the Metadata.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The ServiceRegistry is built through a ServiceRegistryBuilder (this is a 
> slight recent change)
> Map config = ...;
> ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistryBuilder( config )
>         ...
>         .buildServiceRegistry();
> The "..." allows you to add service instances and service initiators. 
> Currently any (map of) configuration values is passed in the 
> constructor.  I can be convinced to allow adding/setting of config 
> values as well, if everyone has a preference for that approach:
> Map config = ...;
> ServiceRegistry serviceRegistry = new ServiceRegistryBuilder()
>         .setConfigurationData( config )
>         .setOption( Environment.SHOW_SQL,
> true )
>         ...
>         .buildServiceRegistry();
> Not sure the best method names there, to be honest which is why I opted 
> for passing them to ctor.

Is that a Map<Object,Object> or something a bit more refined?

Regardless of the map being passed to the ctor, I'd think you need to ability to set additional options (like you setOptions)

Alternative names:
option: setting

Not really related but, now that Configuration is gone, we lose some of the type safety (like cfg.setNamingStrategy(new MyNamingStrategy() ), or am I forgetting something in how the service registry works?

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Metadata is built through a MetadataSources which represents the sources 
> of metadata information.
> MetadataSources metadataSources = new MetadataSources( serviceRegistry )
>         .addResource( "some.hbm.xml" )
>         .addAnnotatedClass( SomeEntity.class );
> Metadata metadata = metadataSources.buildMetadata();
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> The Metadata is then used to obtain a SessionFactory.
> SessionFactory sf = metadata.buildSessionFactory();
> Metadata represents the "configuration time" mapping information.  As of 
> now we will allow users to manipulate and otherwise access this 
> information, hence the seeming "intermediate step".  These all work with 
> chaining:
> SessionFactory sf = new MetadataSources( serviceRegistry )
>         .addResource( "some.hbm.xml" )
>         .addAnnotatedClass( SomeEntity.class )
>         .buildMetadata()
>         .buildSessionFactory();

I guess you could have a buildMetadataSources() hosted on ServiceRegistry if you want people to use chaining methods all the way.

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