[hibernate-dev] Does anyone know of any HQL internal changes between Hibernate 4.0.0.Beta3 and 4.0.0.Beta4?

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Thu Aug 4 06:25:28 EDT 2011

> I just pulled another change and got another merge.  I rebased my repo
> (git pull --rebase upstream master) against master first but it looks
> like I might need to delete my repo and recreate it (cheap way to
> combine parent 2d52494b90507ba676ef + parent 72078ade4d1f293d5c49).
> https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-core/commit/cefa777c0089eac7456d50e866eaf612585c905f

Hi Scott, from the network graph it looks like your commit was fine
and should have been fast-forwarded, so I don't think there's
something wrong with your repository.

Are you using the github web ui to handle the pull request? If so,
that one is always going to introduce a merge commit, so we avoid it.

In other cases if you think your local repository is not in sync
anymore, you don't need to throw it away, just delete your master
branch, fetch from upstream and then look at the commit id of the
upstream master (can find it on github too), and create it as your
local branch

for the current state assuming you're in a different branch and you
deleted master:
git checkout -b master  cefa777c0089eac7456d

I just had to do this myself since it seems my master history diverged
again from upstream :(


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