[hibernate-dev] Memory consumption

Hardy Ferentschik hardy at hibernate.org
Wed May 16 05:47:05 EDT 2012

On May 15, 2012, at 11:51 PM, Andrej Golovnin wrote:

> 1. Consider avoiding usage of String#toLowerCase() and String#toUpperCase()
>    without specifying a Locale. Users running Hibernate on systems with Turkish as default
>    locale may see unexpected results. In Turkish there are two lowercase letters 
>    \u0069 ‘i’ and \u0131 ‘ı’ (dotless ‘I’). And they are totally unrelated. Their uppercase
>    versions are \u0130 ‘İ’ (capital letter ‘I’ with dot above it) and \u0049 ‘I’.
>    So if you convert \u0049 ‘I’ to lower case and the system uses Turkish as default
>    locale, you will get \u0131 ‘ı’ (dotless ‘I’) and not 'i', e.g. 'MY_COLUMN_I' would be converted
>    to 'my_column_ı' and not 'my_column_i'. If you run Hibernate tests with Turkish as default locale
>    some tests fail. I have for now no idea, what locale should be used instead of the default
>    one. :-(

I am not sure whether this is a problem in Hibernate as such. A lot of tests are just written without
Locale in mind. They just makes assertions based on English. Obviously the tests could be written
more carefully in this respect. Or do you think there is an actual bug in the runtime code caused
by using the default Locale?

> 2. Do not use HashMap#clone(). If the JVM is started with the option
>    -XX:+AggressiveOpts, the HashMap#clone() may produce memory leaks.
>    See http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=7042126.
>    IMHO the copy-constructor should be as fast as #clone().
> Now to the memory consumption problem. The problem was introduced with the fix
> of https://hibernate.onjira.com/browse/HHH-4546. Additional LockModes lead
> to increased memory consumption. When I comment the changes made by 
> HHH-4546 in the method AbstractEntityPersister#createLoaders() out, I get nearly
> the same size for SessionFactoryImpl as it was in Hibernate 3.2.7
> (see http://goo.gl/UB47c).

Seems you are doing really a very thorough investigation of the memory consumptions. 
Thanks for your help and feedback. We definitely will take your feedback onboard.


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