[hibernate-dev] Asciidoctor and Gradle

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Tue Oct 15 17:21:14 EDT 2013

The initial rough draft of the ServiceRegistry topic guide is now 
pushed upstream.

You can view it directly in GitHub UI: 

or, render it locally using the new generateRegistryGuideHtml task I 
mentioned before...

It obviously still needs editing and layout work, but if there is any 
content you'd like to see that is not there or any content you'd like 
to see expanded... let me know...

On Mon 14 Oct 2013 08:21:34 PM CDT, Steve Ebersole wrote:
> I just pushed the initial work getting Asciidoctor building through
> Gradle.
> I have done zero styling or layout etc.  This is just the initial
> ability to generate Asciidoctor docs via Gradle.
> At the moment there is just one doc (the ServiceRegistry guide that is
> still WiP) that is rendered to just HTML.  If you want to give it a
> try, cd into the documentation directory and execute `gradle
> generateRegistryGuideHtml`.  The output for now goes into
> target/asciidoc/topical/html

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