[hibernate-dev] RESTEasy, CDI, embedded Jetty, bean validation is ignored‏

Abhijit Sarkar abhijit.sarcar at gmail.com
Tue Feb 11 19:20:45 EST 2014

I've a Groovy project where I use RESTEasy with CDI (Weld) and deploy to
embedded Jetty. What I can't seem to get working is bean validation. The
documentation says that adding 'resteasy-validator-provider-11' along with
hibernate validator dependencies (hibernate-validator,
hibernate-validator-cdi, javax.el-api, javax.el) is enough. But the bean
validation is simply ignored. I curiously also get the following message in
the logs:

plugins.validation.ValidatorContextResolver - Unable to find CDI supporting
ValidatorFactory. Using default ValidatorFactory

I tried registering Hibernate InjectingConstraintValidatorFactory in
META-INF/validation.xml but it depends on a BeanManager being injected and
blows up at runtime.

I've tried everything under the sun without any success. What can I do to
get this working? The code can be found here

A log gist is here: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/8947319

RESTEasy 3.0.6.Final
Weld servlet 2.1.2.Final
Hibernate validator 5.0.3.Final
Jetty embedded 9.1.1.v20140108


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