[hibernate-dev] ORM build - IDE imports

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Mon Nov 17 19:27:59 EST 2014

On 17 November 2014 21:37, Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org> wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 17, 2014 at 1:11 PM, Sanne Grinovero <sanne at hibernate.org>
> wrote:
>> I just tried to import it in Eclipse.
>> Compiling it once from the command line upfront helped to reduce the
>> errors.. but I still have 10, and while I suspect one of them relates
>> to a bug in Eclipse's not-so-smart handling of generics, the others to
>> me look like it shouldn't compile so I'm going to need some
>> hand-holding on each of them.
>> Some examples:
>> EnhancerTask class not found: seems to be a groovy class. Do I need to
>> setup the project as Groovy, or get some Groovy SDK installed as well?
> Sorry, I do not know how Eclipse works.  In IntelliJ there is nothing extra
> to do for Groovy sources.  As long as the directory is set as a "source
> root" it'll work

It's not a priority as one can simply close that module and have it
built only on command line. This one is the easy to work around, I
only mentioned it as all the small things add up.

>> package-info.java sources in the jpamodelgen module seem to be in the
>> wrong package - or they are missing the package declaration. They also
>> have the wrong license header (JBoss instead of Hibernate, Apache
>> instead of LGPL).
> I see package-info.java files that actually have no package statement.  Is
> that what you mean?

Yes. Eclipse will mark the whole module as "can't compile", and
consequentially stops compiling anything.

>> Code snippet "CoreMatchers.<Object>notNullValue()" doesn't compile as
>> the method is not generic. Apparently IDEA and javac consider this
>> acceptable, but Eclipse won't. May I remove the generics usage?
> Where do you see this?


If you agree with that PR #843 is ok I'll create a JIRA for it?


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