[hibernate-dev] [OGM] storing the column names in the entity keys for K/V stores

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Wed Nov 26 06:42:25 EST 2014

It looks like you're aiming at a "pure" mapping into primitives for
the datagrid.

So it looks very beautiful and tempting to go for a model such as
 > cache.put( "identifier name", ...)
but it seems quite dangerous to me for the same reason that you store
  {"firstname", "lastname" }, { "Emmanuel", "Bernard" }
rather than storing:
  { "Emmanuel", "Bernard" }

Obviously the second one looks more natural in the storage, but you're
not really sure what these tokens were supposed to represent in case
someone decides to refactor the model.
I understand that it's now quite safe to remove the "tablename" in the
per-cache-table model, as entries would still be isolated: that was
the goal, but also it matches exactly the model proven by the RDBMs
But there are implications in terms of flexibility and schema
evolution if we remove the "column names" and generally speaking it's
our only way of validating what an entry was supposed to model.

Speaking of, like we don't normally store the "tablename" in a column
of a table in an RDBMs, we don't really store its column names either.
So an alternative solution which more closely matches the proven RDBMs
model would be to store the schema representation of the table in the

personsCache.put( SchemaGenerationId{1}, { ORDERED_ARRAY_STRATEGY,
"firstname", "lastname") );

then you would need to store entries linking them to a specific
Schema, such as { "Emmanuel", "Bernard", SchemaGenerationId{1} }.

such a SchemaGenerationId would be a cheap singleton (one per
"table"), and could be stored as efficiently as two integers (one for
the Marshaller id and one int for the schema generation id).

ORDERED_ARRAY_STRATEGY could be an Enum, and give you some flexibility
among your proposals.  With the current model I'd stick to the Map as
they are the only one safe enough, but with a schema definition like
the above description I'd definitely want to use the ordered sequence
(array?) as it's far more efficient at all levels.
A benefit is that I suspect that you could then transactionally evolve
the schema, and it wouldn't be too hard for us to provide a tool to
perform an "online schema migration".

You make a great point about making it easier to run native queries.
Is that a new goal we have? It seems we have to define the goals we
want, as the proper data abstraction goal seems to clash with it.
I'd rather make a custom Query walker which understand how we store
things in Infinispan, and keep the safety of our more verbose and less
efficient storage model. For example an inspection tool connected to
the grid could choose to not show the "SchemaId" tokens, but use them
to be able to render the entry in some human understandable way, like
by adding the column names on a table.

Some more notes:
 For HashMap there is a specialized Marshaller already. HashMaps are
horrific to instantiate at runtime though, in terms of memory, and
also not as efficient as arrays in terms of CPU of course.
 We didn't mention javax.persistence.IdClass but I assume the same applies.


On 25 November 2014 at 13:30, Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> With OGM-452 behind us which brings one cache per “table”, we now have
> another decision in front of us.
> Should we use a synthetic key for the cache key (say a
> PersistentEntityKey class containing the array of column names and the
> array of column values)?
> Or should we use the natural object key?
> == Natural entity key
> In the latter, things gets complicated quickly, let me explain:
> === Simple case
> For simple cases, the id is a simple property and the fit is very
> natural
> [source]
> --
> @Entity
> class User {
>     @Id String name;
>     ...
> }
> //corresponds to
> cache.put(name, mapRepresentingUser);
> --
> === Embedded id
> If the identifier is an embedded id, you have several choices that all have
> drawbacks.
> 1. use the embedded id class as key `cache.put( new Name("Emmanuel", "Bernard"), mapRepresentingUser );`
> 2. use an array of property values `cache.put( new Object[] {"Emmanuel", "Bernard"}, mapRepresentingUser );`
> 3. use a Map<String,Object> corresponding to the array `cache.put( new HashMap<String,Object>( {{ "firstname" -> "Emmanuel", "lastname"->"Bernard" } ), mapRepresentingUser );
> 4. use an synthetic key `cache.put( new PersistentEntityKey( new String[] {"firstname", "lastname" }, new String[] { "Emmanuel", "Bernard" } ), mapRepresentingUser);`
> In 1, the problem is that we lose the proper data type abstraction
> between the object model and the data stored. `Name` is a user class.
> In 2, I think the model is somewhat acceptable but a bit arbitrary.
> In 3, I suspect the map is pretty horrific to serialize - that could be
> solved by a externalizer. But more importantly the order of the id
> columns is lost - even though it might be recoverable with
> EntityKeyMetadata?
> In 4, we expose the person querying the grid to our OGM specific type.
> Aside from this, it is essentially like 4.
> === Entity key approach
> I really like the idea of the simple case be mapped directly, it makes
> for *the* natural mapping one would have chosen. But as I explained, it
> does not scale.
> In the composite id case, I don't really know what to chose between 2, 3
> and 4.
> So, should we go for the simple case if we can? Or favor consistency
> between the simple and complex case?
> And which of the complex case do we favor?
> == Association
> In the case of associations, it becomes a bit trickier because the
> "simple case" where the association key is made of a single column is
> quite uncommon. Association keys are one of these combinations:
> * the fk to the owning entity + the index or key of the List or Map
> * the fk to the owning entity + the fk to the target entity (Set)
> * the fk to the owning entity + the list of columns of the simple or
> * embedded type (Set)
> * the fk to the owning entity + the surrogate id of the Bag
> * all columns in case of a non id backed bag
> All that to say that we are most of the time in the complex case of
> EntityKey with one of the 4 choices.
> Any thoughts and preferences?
> Emmanuel
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