[hibernate-dev] Handling connections properly during testing with Java 1.8

Steve Ebersole steve at hibernate.org
Thu Jun 16 11:41:11 EDT 2016

I look forward to "ever [having] time" :)

But I am fine with adding support for it and using them in new tests.
Remember too that Session, etal are AutoCloseable now too.

On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 10:25 AM Vlad Mihalcea <mihalcea.vlad at gmail.com>

> At first, we could add support for this method and start applying it for
> new tests.
> If we ever have time to migrate old tests, we should consider changing old
> tests as well.
> Vlad
> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 6:11 PM, Steve Ebersole <steve at hibernate.org>
> wrote:
>> Not sure what you are asking specifically.  You mean a task to change
>> each and every test in the Hibernate testsuite?
>> On Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 9:18 AM Vlad Mihalcea <mihalcea.vlad at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Now that we moved to Java 1.8, would you like to add a task so that we
>>> manage the Session/Transaction automatically using a test utility like
>>> the
>>> ones I added in the documentation tests:
>>> doInHibernate( this::sessionFactory, session -> {
>>>    Person person = new Person();
>>>    person.id = 1L;
>>>    session.persist( person );
>>>    person.phones.add( "027-123-4567" );
>>>    person.phones.add( "028-234-9876" );
>>>    session.flush();
>>>    person.getPhones().remove( 0 );
>>> } );
>>> Or for JPA:
>>> doInJPA( this::entityManagerFactory, entityManager -> {
>>>    Person person = new Person( 1L );
>>>    entityManager.persist( person );
>>>    person.addPhone( new Phone( 1L, "landline", "028-234-9876" ) );
>>>    person.addPhone( new Phone( 2L, "mobile", "072-122-9876" ) );
>>>    entityManager.flush();
>>>    person.removePhone( person.getPhones().get( 0 ) );
>>> } );
>>> 1. The tests will be less verbose.
>>> 2. There are times when a test fails on MySQL and then the suite stops
>>> because the connection is not closed properly and the DROP command hangs.
>>> What do you think?
>>> Vlad
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