[hibernate-dev] Released: org.hibernate.javax.persistence:hibernate-jpa-2.1-api version 1.0.2.Final

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Tue Jan 23 12:22:31 EST 2018

I've re-released the hibernate-jpa-2.1-api with a single, minor
change: declare the official Jigsaw module name "java.persistence" in
the Automatic-Module-Name header in the MANIFEST.

This was mostly done on request of the WildFly team, there's no strong
reason to upgrade any project, unless you want to experiment with
Jigsaw of course..

FYI version 1.0.1.Final never existed; my bad, I misinterpreted the
repository status.

Reminder: for JPA 2.2 we'll be using the API bundle from the spec
group as it's now finally being released in Maven central. So going
forward it will be javax.persistence:javax.persistence-api.


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