[hibernate-dev] ORM progress: tricky branch state

Sanne Grinovero sanne at hibernate.org
Mon Jul 2 11:42:40 EDT 2018

On Hibernate ORM we're currently having "master" branch essentially
being a maintenance branch, aka master today is what's planned to be
version 5.3.2.Final in some days, 5.3.3 later, etc..

This is quite unusual, and it begs some extra attention: normally we'd
start a new minor in master, so that PRs of any kind could be welcome
in master, while specific, cherry-picked fixes are backported to the
last maintained minors.

This is not the case now and until we move on to a new minor or major
we'll need to be particularly careful about what is allowed to be
I'm not pointing fingers to any specific commit, my concern is just
raised by the high volume of changes being merged. They all look great
individually but changes are not good at this point :)

Not sure what to suggest to people wanting to contribute new features
today; maybe hold as we assume the 6.0 work will be merged in master
soon? Will be hard to say no to many reasonable requests though.

Steve, do you think that the 6.0 merge could happen soon enough to not
need any process changes in how  we deal with master?


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