[hibernate-dev] Composite IDs with a null property/field

Gail Badner gbadner at redhat.com
Mon Dec 16 18:26:55 EST 2019

I've confirmed that the same inserts result in a constraint violation using
Oracle 12c:

insert into bundle (BUNDLE_NAME, KEY, LOCALE) values('bundle1', 'key1',
insert into bundle (BUNDLE_NAME, KEY, LOCALE) values('bundle1', 'key1',

I'm trying to figure out what would be needed to support this.

I tried simply commenting out this line:

When I ran the unit
tests, org.hibernate.test.typedmanytoone.TypedManyToOneTest#testCreateQueryNull
failed because of a lazy many-to-one with a formula for a foreign key

<many-to-one name="billingAddress"
   <column name="billingAddressId"/>

The change results in a Customer with a lazy ShippingAddress proxy
containing an AddressId with #addressId == null and #type == "BILLING').
When the proxy is initialized, ObjectNotFoundException is thrown.

The reason this happens is a bit complicated.

The problematic query is:

"from Customer cust left join fetch cust.billingAddress where

The SQL that gets generated is:

        customer0_.customerId as customer1_1_0_,
        billingadd1_.addressId as addressI1_0_1_,
        billingadd1_.add_type as add_type2_0_1_,
        customer0_.name as name2_1_0_,
        customer0_.billingAddressId as billingA3_1_0_,
        customer0_.shippingAddressId as shipping4_1_0_,
        'BILLING' as formula0_0_,
        'SHIPPING' as formula1_0_,
        billingadd1_.street as street3_0_1_,
        billingadd1_.city as city4_0_1_,
        billingadd1_.state as state5_0_1_,
        billingadd1_.zip as zip6_0_1_
        Customer customer0_
    left outer join
        Address billingadd1_
            on customer0_.billingAddressId=billingadd1_.addressId
            and 'BILLING'=billingadd1_.add_type

In this case, the Customer entity does not have a billingAddress.

Hibernate correctly determines that the join fetched Address is null
because addressI1_0_1_ and add_type2_0_1_ are both null.

The problem happens when the Customer entity gets initialized. Since
Customer#billingAddress is mapped as lazy, it gets resolved as a proxy with
AddressId#addressId == null and #type == "BILLING").

Similarly, Customer#shippingAddress gets resolved as a proxy with
AddressId#addressId == null and #type == "SHIPPING").

Without the change Customer#billingAddress and #shippingAddress are null.

I don't see any way to maintain functionality demonstrated
by TypedManyToOneTest at the same time as allowing a composite ID to have a
null property at the same time.

I suppose we could allow a composite ID to have a null property only when
it has no properties that are formulas.



On Thu, Dec 12, 2019 at 10:26 AM Gail Badner <gbadner at redhat.com> wrote:

> Thinking about this more, I realized that, depending on the database, the
> use case may be invalid.
> For H2, at least, the following is allowed with a unique constraint:
> insert into bundle (BUNDLE_NAME, KEY, LOCALE) values('bundle1', 'key1',
> null);
> insert into bundle (BUNDLE_NAME, KEY, LOCALE) values('bundle1', 'key1',
> null);
> The reason why the unique constraint is not violated is because null !=
> null.
> If we allow a null value for a composite ID property, it should be
> specific to the dialects that would assume null == null in a unique key. I
> believe SQL Server behaves this way. I'm not sure about other databases.
> On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 3:06 AM Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org>
> wrote:
>> My answer is that if the code change looks too impactful I'm fine with no
>> supporting such scenario.
>> On 11 Dec 2019, at 11:24, Joerg Baesner wrote:
>> > ...  I suppose some means it as default.
>> Yes, exactly.
>> Your reply doesn't answer the question if Hibernate shouldn't support
>> this scenario. Anyhow, what Gail already wrote is that Hibernate returns
>> null for the entity result, leading to a null value in a returned
>> ResultList, which seem to be wrong...
>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 11:16 AM Emmanuel Bernard <emmanuel at hibernate.org>
>> wrote:
>>> We have been trying to keep a balance of maintainable code base for
>>> Hibernate vs legacy/counter intuitive/plain wrong DB designs. The answer is
>>> never clear cut. In your case I'm not sure what a bundle + key means if it
>>> does not have a locale - I suppose some means it as default.
>>> On 11 Dec 2019, at 10:49, Joerg Baesner wrote:
>>> > I think in the past we argued the same for attributes of a composite
>>> id,
>>> > like you said, if one of the element can be nul, why is it in the id
>>> > property in the first place.
>>> As an example you might Imagine someone wants to put
>>> internationalization properties into a database and having a table
>>> structure like this (this might be an old legacy application that doesn't
>>> have a PK column):
>>> BUNDLE_NAME (not nullable)
>>> KEY (not nullable)
>>> LOCALE (nullable)
>>> VALUE (not nullable)
>>> The first 3 (BUNDLE_NAME, KEY, LOCALE) are the CompositeKey and there's
>>> a unique constraint on the database on these columns.
>>> It is fine to have the LOCALE as <null>, as in this case the systems
>>> default locale would be used, but for each BUNDLE_NAME/KEY combination you
>>> could only have a single composite key with a <null> LOCALE.
>>> Hibernate should be (must be?) able to handle this scenario, what do you
>>> think?
>>> Joerg
>>> On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 10:18 AM Emmanuel Bernard <
>>> emmanuel at hibernate.org> wrote:
>>>> Just talking about simple id, even if we allow the column to be
>>>> nullable
>>>> (if the DB even allows that), I don't think Hibernate allows null to be
>>>> a valid id value. Because null means I don't know or not applicable.
>>>> I think in the past we argued the same for attributes of a composite
>>>> id,
>>>> like you said, if one of the element can be nul, why is it in the id
>>>> property in the first place.
>>>> As for whether there is a strong implementation detail reason to not
>>>> allow it, I don't know but I assume the null checking assuming "not an
>>>> id" is pretty much all over the place.
>>>> Emmanuel
>>>> On 11 Dec 2019, at 3:37, Gail Badner wrote:
>>>> > Currently, there is no way to load an entity that exists in the
>>>> > database
>>>> > with a composite ID, if one of the composite ID columns is null.
>>>> >
>>>> > This behavior is due to this code in ComponentType#hydrate:
>>>> >
>>>> https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-orm/blob/master/hibernate-core/src/main/java/org/hibernate/type/ComponentType.java#L671-L675
>>>> >
>>>> > Basically, if any field/property in a composite ID is null, Hibernate
>>>> > assumes the entire ID is null. An entity cannot have a null ID, so it
>>>> > returns null for the entity result.
>>>> >
>>>> > I believe that Hibernate does allow a primary key column to be
>>>> > nullable.
>>>> >
>>>> > TBH, it seems strange to have a property in a composite ID that can be
>>>> > null. If it can be null, it seems that the property could be removed
>>>> > from
>>>> > the composite key.
>>>> >
>>>> > I don't see anything in the spec about a requirement that all
>>>> > composite ID
>>>> > fields/properties must be non-null. Am I missing something?
>>>> >
>>>> > The code I referenced above is 13 years old. Does anyone have insight
>>>> > into
>>>> > why Hibernate does this?
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Gail
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>>> Red Hat
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>>> jbaesner at redhat.com    T: +49-211-95439691
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>> Red Hat
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>> jbaesner at redhat.com    T: +49-211-95439691
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