[hibernate-users] Hibernate with JBoss TreeCache problem

Andreas Røsdal andrearo at pvv.ntnu.no
Wed Aug 15 11:28:08 EDT 2007


I'm having some problems with a website which uses Hibernate with JBoss 
TreeCache. Several servers with the following configuration:
Resin application server, with Hibernate 3, with JBoss TreeCache.

The problem occurs during startup of the Resin application server,
occurs during initialization of hibernate, and the result is that when 
this occurs no .jsp pages are served from Resin which uses Hibernate.
Most of the threads in the Resin application server are waiting for a 
thread in the jgroups classes. However, this function never finishes,
causing all new tcpConnection threads to wait, until the application 
server crashes.

Here is the full stack dump from java while the problem occurs:


Here is the relevant thread which causes the problem:

"tcpConnection-6802-19" daemon prio=1 tid=0x0825f300 nid=0x1354 in Object.wait() [0xaef01000..0xaef01878]
             at java.lang.Object.wait(Native Method)
             - waiting on <0x51ed2f78> (a org.jgroups.util.Promise)
             at java.lang.Object.wait(Object.java:429)
             at org.jgroups.util.Promise.doWait(Promise.java:100)
             at org.jgroups.util.Promise._getResultWithTimeout(Promise.java:52)
             at  org.jgroups.util.Promise.getResultWithTimeout(Promise.java:28)
             - locked <0x51ed2f78> (a org.jgroups.util.Promise)
             at org.jgroups.util.Promise.getResult(Promise.java:77)
             at org.jgroups.JChannel.connect(JChannel.java:353)

Any advice about what could be the cause of these problems? How should I 
go about further investigating this? I have briefly looked at 
the getResultWithTimeout() method in the Promise class from jgroups.
Any help would be appreciated!

   - Andreas R.

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