[infinispan-commits] Infinispan SVN: r2262 - in trunk: server/memcached/src/main/scala/org/infinispan/server/memcached and 1 other directories.

infinispan-commits at lists.jboss.org infinispan-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Aug 20 11:34:33 EDT 2010

Author: galder.zamarreno at jboss.com
Date: 2010-08-20 11:34:32 -0400 (Fri, 20 Aug 2010)
New Revision: 2262

[ISPN-612] (Allow substitution of Infinispan server properties) Fix issue and upgraded Spymemcached to 2.5.

Modified: trunk/parent/pom.xml
--- trunk/parent/pom.xml	2010-08-20 15:31:30 UTC (rev 2261)
+++ trunk/parent/pom.xml	2010-08-20 15:34:32 UTC (rev 2262)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
-      <version.spymemcached>2.4.2</version.spymemcached>
+      <version.spymemcached>2.5</version.spymemcached>

Modified: trunk/server/memcached/src/main/scala/org/infinispan/server/memcached/MemcachedDecoder.scala
--- trunk/server/memcached/src/main/scala/org/infinispan/server/memcached/MemcachedDecoder.scala	2010-08-20 15:31:30 UTC (rev 2261)
+++ trunk/server/memcached/src/main/scala/org/infinispan/server/memcached/MemcachedDecoder.scala	2010-08-20 15:34:32 UTC (rev 2262)
@@ -377,9 +377,9 @@
    private def buildGetResponseHeader(k: String, v: MemcachedValue, op: Enumeration#Value): String = {
       val sb = new StringBuilder
-      sb.append("VALUE ").append(k).append(" ").append(v.flags).append(" ").append(v.data.length).append(" ")
+      sb.append("VALUE ").append(k).append(" ").append(v.flags).append(" ").append(v.data.length)
       if (op == GetWithVersionRequest)
-         sb.append(v.version).append(" ")   
+         sb.append(" ").append(v.version)

Added: trunk/server/memcached/src/test/resources/memcache.rb
--- trunk/server/memcached/src/test/resources/memcache.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/memcached/src/test/resources/memcache.rb	2010-08-20 15:34:32 UTC (rev 2262)
@@ -0,0 +1,1194 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+$TESTING = defined?($TESTING) && $TESTING
+require 'socket'
+require 'thread'
+require 'zlib'
+require 'digest/sha1'
+require 'net/protocol'
+require 'memcache/version'
+  # Try to use the SystemTimer gem instead of Ruby's timeout library
+  # when running on Ruby 1.8.x. See:
+  #   http://ph7spot.com/articles/system_timer
+  # We don't want to bother trying to load SystemTimer on jruby,
+  # ruby 1.9+ and rbx.
+  if !defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) || (RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' && RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.0')
+    require 'system_timer'
+    MemCacheTimer = SystemTimer
+  else
+    require 'timeout'
+    MemCacheTimer = Timeout
+  end
+rescue LoadError => e
+  require 'timeout'
+  MemCacheTimer = Timeout
+# A Ruby client library for memcached.
+class MemCache
+  ##
+  # Default options for the cache object.
+    :namespace    => nil,
+    :readonly     => false,
+    :multithread  => true,
+    :failover     => true,
+    :timeout      => 0.5,
+    :logger       => nil,
+    :no_reply     => false,
+    :check_size   => true,
+    :autofix_keys => false,
+    :namespace_separator => ':',
+  }
+  ##
+  # Default memcached port.
+  DEFAULT_PORT = 11211
+  ##
+  # Default memcached server weight.
+  ##
+  # The namespace for this instance
+  attr_reader :namespace
+  ##
+  # The multithread setting for this instance
+  attr_reader :multithread
+  ##
+  # Whether to try to fix keys that are too long and will be truncated by
+  # using their SHA1 hash instead.
+  # The hash is only used on keys longer than 250 characters, or containing spaces,
+  # to avoid impacting performance unnecesarily.
+  #
+  # In theory, your code should generate correct keys when calling memcache,
+  # so it's your responsibility and you should try to fix this problem at its source.
+  #
+  # But if that's not possible, enable this option and memcache-client will give you a hand.
+  attr_reader :autofix_keys
+  ##
+  # The servers this client talks to.  Play at your own peril.
+  attr_reader :servers
+  ##
+  # Socket timeout limit with this client, defaults to 0.5 sec.
+  # Set to nil to disable timeouts.
+  attr_reader :timeout
+  ##
+  # Should the client try to failover to another server if the
+  # first server is down?  Defaults to true.
+  attr_reader :failover
+  ##
+  # Log debug/info/warn/error to the given Logger, defaults to nil.
+  attr_reader :logger
+  ##
+  # Don't send or look for a reply from the memcached server for write operations.
+  # Please note this feature only works in memcached 1.2.5 and later.  Earlier
+  # versions will reply with "ERROR".
+  attr_reader :no_reply
+  ##
+  # Accepts a list of +servers+ and a list of +opts+.  +servers+ may be
+  # omitted.  See +servers=+ for acceptable server list arguments.
+  #
+  # Valid options for +opts+ are:
+  #
+  #   [:namespace]    Prepends this value to all keys added or retrieved.
+  #   [:readonly]     Raises an exception on cache writes when true.
+  #   [:multithread]  Wraps cache access in a Mutex for thread safety. Defaults to true.
+  #   [:failover]     Should the client try to failover to another server if the
+  #                   first server is down?  Defaults to true.
+  #   [:timeout]      Time to use as the socket read timeout.  Defaults to 0.5 sec,
+  #                   set to nil to disable timeouts.
+  #   [:logger]       Logger to use for info/debug output, defaults to nil
+  #   [:no_reply]     Don't bother looking for a reply for write operations (i.e. they
+  #                   become 'fire and forget'), memcached 1.2.5 and later only, speeds up
+  #                   set/add/delete/incr/decr significantly.
+  #   [:check_size]   Raises a MemCacheError if the value to be set is greater than 1 MB, which
+  #                   is the maximum key size for the standard memcached server.  Defaults to true.
+  #   [:autofix_keys] If a key is longer than 250 characters or contains spaces,
+  #                   use an SHA1 hash instead, to prevent collisions on truncated keys.
+  # Other options are ignored.
+  def initialize(*args)
+    servers = []
+    opts = {}
+    case args.length
+    when 0 then # NOP
+    when 1 then
+      arg = args.shift
+      case arg
+      when Hash   then opts = arg
+      when Array  then servers = arg
+      when String then servers = [arg]
+      else raise ArgumentError, 'first argument must be Array, Hash or String'
+      end
+    when 2 then
+      servers, opts = args
+    else
+      raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments (#{args.length} for 2)"
+    end
+    @evented = defined?(EM) && EM.reactor_running?
+    opts = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge opts
+    @namespace    = opts[:namespace]
+    @readonly     = opts[:readonly]
+    @multithread  = opts[:multithread] && !@evented
+    @autofix_keys = opts[:autofix_keys]
+    @timeout      = opts[:timeout]
+    @failover     = opts[:failover]
+    @logger       = opts[:logger]
+    @no_reply     = opts[:no_reply]
+    @check_size   = opts[:check_size]
+    @namespace_separator = opts[:namespace_separator]
+    @mutex        = Mutex.new if @multithread
+    logger.info { "memcache-client #{VERSION} #{Array(servers).inspect}" } if logger
+    Thread.current[:memcache_client] = self.object_id if !@multithread
+    self.servers = servers
+  end
+  ##
+  # Returns a string representation of the cache object.
+  def inspect
+    "<MemCache: %d servers, ns: %p, ro: %p>" %
+      [@servers.length, @namespace, @readonly]
+  end
+  ##
+  # Returns whether there is at least one active server for the object.
+  def active?
+    not @servers.empty?
+  end
+  ##
+  # Returns whether or not the cache object was created read only.
+  def readonly?
+    @readonly
+  end
+  ##
+  # Set the servers that the requests will be distributed between.  Entries
+  # can be either strings of the form "hostname:port" or
+  # "hostname:port:weight" or MemCache::Server objects.
+  #
+  def servers=(servers)
+    # Create the server objects.
+    @servers = Array(servers).collect do |server|
+      case server
+      when String
+        host, port, weight = server.split ':', 3
+        port ||= DEFAULT_PORT
+        weight ||= DEFAULT_WEIGHT
+        Server.new self, host, port, weight
+      else
+        server
+      end
+    end
+    logger.debug { "Servers now: #{@servers.inspect}" } if logger
+    # There's no point in doing this if there's only one server
+    @continuum = create_continuum_for(@servers) if @servers.size > 1
+    @servers
+  end
+  ##
+  # Decrements the value for +key+ by +amount+ and returns the new value.
+  # +key+ must already exist.  If +key+ is not an integer, it is assumed to be
+  # 0.  +key+ can not be decremented below 0.
+  def decr(key, amount = 1)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      cache_decr server, cache_key, amount
+    end
+  rescue TypeError => err
+    handle_error nil, err
+  end
+  ##
+  # Retrieves +key+ from memcache.  If +raw+ is false, the value will be
+  # unmarshalled.
+  def get(key, raw = false)
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "get #{key} from #{server.inspect}" } if logger
+      value = cache_get server, cache_key
+      return nil if value.nil?
+      value = Marshal.load value unless raw
+      return value
+    end
+  rescue TypeError => err
+    handle_error nil, err
+  end
+  ##
+  # Performs a +get+ with the given +key+.  If
+  # the value does not exist and a block was given,
+  # the block will be called and the result saved via +add+.
+  #
+  # If you do not provide a block, using this
+  # method is the same as using +get+.
+  #
+  def fetch(key, expiry = 0, raw = false)
+    value = get(key, raw)
+    if value.nil? && block_given?
+      value = yield
+      add(key, value, expiry, raw)
+    end
+    value
+  end
+  ##
+  # Retrieves multiple values from memcached in parallel, if possible.
+  #
+  # The memcached protocol supports the ability to retrieve multiple
+  # keys in a single request.  Pass in an array of keys to this method
+  # and it will:
+  #
+  # 1. map the key to the appropriate memcached server
+  # 2. send a single request to each server that has one or more key values
+  #
+  # Returns a hash of values.
+  #
+  #   cache["a"] = 1
+  #   cache["b"] = 2
+  #   cache.get_multi "a", "b" # => { "a" => 1, "b" => 2 }
+  #
+  # Note that get_multi assumes the values are marshalled.  You can pass
+  # in :raw => true to bypass value marshalling.
+  #
+  #   cache.get_multi('a', 'b', ..., :raw => true)
+  def get_multi(*keys)
+    raise MemCacheError, 'No active servers' unless active?
+    opts = keys.last.is_a?(Hash) ? keys.pop : {}
+    keys.flatten!
+    key_count = keys.length
+    cache_keys = {}
+    server_keys = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = [] }
+    # map keys to servers
+    keys.each do |key|
+      server, cache_key = request_setup key
+      cache_keys[cache_key] = key
+      server_keys[server] << cache_key
+    end
+    results = {}
+    raw = opts[:raw] || false
+    server_keys.each do |server, keys_for_server|
+      keys_for_server_str = keys_for_server.join ' '
+      begin
+        values = cache_get_multi server, keys_for_server_str
+        values.each do |key, value|
+          results[cache_keys[key]] = raw ? value : Marshal.load(value)
+        end
+      rescue IndexError => e
+        # Ignore this server and try the others
+        logger.warn { "Unable to retrieve #{keys_for_server.size} elements from #{server.inspect}: #{e.message}"} if logger
+      end
+    end
+    return results
+  rescue TypeError => err
+    handle_error nil, err
+  end
+  ##
+  # Increments the value for +key+ by +amount+ and returns the new value.
+  # +key+ must already exist.  If +key+ is not an integer, it is assumed to be
+  # 0.
+  def incr(key, amount = 1)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      cache_incr server, cache_key, amount
+    end
+  rescue TypeError => err
+    handle_error nil, err
+  end
+  ##
+  # Add +key+ to the cache with value +value+ that expires in +expiry+
+  # seconds.  If +raw+ is true, +value+ will not be Marshalled.
+  #
+  # Warning: Readers should not call this method in the event of a cache miss;
+  # see MemCache#add.
+  ONE_MB = 1024 * 1024
+  def set(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    value = Marshal.dump value unless raw
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "set #{key} to #{server.inspect}: #{value.to_s.size}" } if logger
+      if @check_size && value.to_s.size > ONE_MB
+        raise MemCacheError, "Value too large, memcached can only store 1MB of data per key"
+      end
+      command = "set #{cache_key} 0 #{expiry} #{value.to_s.size}#{noreply}\r\n#{value}\r\n"
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        socket.write command
+        break nil if @no_reply
+        result = socket.gets
+        raise_on_error_response! result
+        if result.nil?
+          server.close
+          raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}"
+        end
+        result
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # "cas" is a check and set operation which means "store this data but
+  # only if no one else has updated since I last fetched it."  This can
+  # be used as a form of optimistic locking.
+  #
+  # Works in block form like so:
+  #   cache.cas('some-key') do |value|
+  #     value + 1
+  #   end
+  #
+  # Returns:
+  # +nil+ if the value was not found on the memcached server.
+  # +STORED+ if the value was updated successfully
+  # +EXISTS+ if the value was updated by someone else since last fetch
+  def cas(key, expiry=0, raw=false)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    raise MemCacheError, "A block is required" unless block_given?
+    (value, token) = gets(key, raw)
+    return nil unless value
+    updated = yield value
+    value = raw ? updated : Marshal.dump(updated)
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "cas #{key} to #{server.inspect}: #{value.to_s.size}" } if logger
+      command = "cas #{cache_key} 0 #{expiry} #{value.to_s.size} #{token}#{noreply}\r\n#{value}\r\n"
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        socket.write command
+        break nil if @no_reply
+        result = socket.gets
+        raise_on_error_response! result
+        if result.nil?
+          server.close
+          raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}"
+        end
+        result
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Add +key+ to the cache with value +value+ that expires in +expiry+
+  # seconds, but only if +key+ does not already exist in the cache.
+  # If +raw+ is true, +value+ will not be Marshalled.
+  #
+  # Readers should call this method in the event of a cache miss, not
+  # MemCache#set.
+  def add(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    value = Marshal.dump value unless raw
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "add #{key} to #{server}: #{value ? value.to_s.size : 'nil'}" } if logger
+      command = "add #{cache_key} 0 #{expiry} #{value.to_s.size}#{noreply}\r\n#{value}\r\n"
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        socket.write command
+        break nil if @no_reply
+        result = socket.gets
+        raise_on_error_response! result
+        result
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Add +key+ to the cache with value +value+ that expires in +expiry+
+  # seconds, but only if +key+ already exists in the cache.
+  # If +raw+ is true, +value+ will not be Marshalled.
+  def replace(key, value, expiry = 0, raw = false)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    value = Marshal.dump value unless raw
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "replace #{key} to #{server}: #{value ? value.to_s.size : 'nil'}" } if logger
+      command = "replace #{cache_key} 0 #{expiry} #{value.to_s.size}#{noreply}\r\n#{value}\r\n"
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        socket.write command
+        break nil if @no_reply
+        result = socket.gets
+        raise_on_error_response! result
+        result
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Append - 'add this data to an existing key after existing data'
+  # Please note the value is always passed to memcached as raw since it
+  # doesn't make a lot of sense to concatenate marshalled data together.
+  def append(key, value)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "append #{key} to #{server}: #{value ? value.to_s.size : 'nil'}" } if logger
+      command = "append #{cache_key} 0 0 #{value.to_s.size}#{noreply}\r\n#{value}\r\n"
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        socket.write command
+        break nil if @no_reply
+        result = socket.gets
+        raise_on_error_response! result
+        result
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Prepend - 'add this data to an existing key before existing data'
+  # Please note the value is always passed to memcached as raw since it
+  # doesn't make a lot of sense to concatenate marshalled data together.
+  def prepend(key, value)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "prepend #{key} to #{server}: #{value ? value.to_s.size : 'nil'}" } if logger
+      command = "prepend #{cache_key} 0 0 #{value.to_s.size}#{noreply}\r\n#{value}\r\n"
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        socket.write command
+        break nil if @no_reply
+        result = socket.gets
+        raise_on_error_response! result
+        result
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Removes +key+ from the cache.
+  # +expiry+ is ignored as it has been removed from the latest memcached version.
+  def delete(key, expiry = 0)
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        logger.debug { "delete #{cache_key} on #{server}" } if logger
+        socket.write "delete #{cache_key}#{noreply}\r\n"
+        break nil if @no_reply
+        result = socket.gets
+        raise_on_error_response! result
+        result
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Flush the cache from all memcache servers.
+  # A non-zero value for +delay+ will ensure that the flush
+  # is propogated slowly through your memcached server farm.
+  # The Nth server will be flushed N*delay seconds from now,
+  # asynchronously so this method returns quickly.
+  # This prevents a huge database spike due to a total
+  # flush all at once.
+  def flush_all(delay=0)
+    raise MemCacheError, 'No active servers' unless active?
+    raise MemCacheError, "Update of readonly cache" if @readonly
+    begin
+      delay_time = 0
+      @servers.each do |server|
+        with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+          logger.debug { "flush_all #{delay_time} on #{server}" } if logger
+          if delay == 0 # older versions of memcached will fail silently otherwise
+            socket.write "flush_all#{noreply}\r\n"
+          else
+            socket.write "flush_all #{delay_time}#{noreply}\r\n"
+          end
+          break nil if @no_reply
+          result = socket.gets
+          raise_on_error_response! result
+          result
+        end
+        delay_time += delay
+      end
+    rescue IndexError => err
+      handle_error nil, err
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Reset the connection to all memcache servers.  This should be called if
+  # there is a problem with a cache lookup that might have left the connection
+  # in a corrupted state.
+  def reset
+    @servers.each { |server| server.close }
+  end
+  ##
+  # Returns statistics for each memcached server.  An explanation of the
+  # statistics can be found in the memcached docs:
+  #
+  # http://code.sixapart.com/svn/memcached/trunk/server/doc/protocol.txt
+  #
+  # Example:
+  #
+  #   >> pp CACHE.stats
+  #   {"localhost:11211"=>
+  #     {"bytes"=>4718,
+  #      "pid"=>20188,
+  #      "connection_structures"=>4,
+  #      "time"=>1162278121,
+  #      "pointer_size"=>32,
+  #      "limit_maxbytes"=>67108864,
+  #      "cmd_get"=>14532,
+  #      "version"=>"1.2.0",
+  #      "bytes_written"=>432583,
+  #      "cmd_set"=>32,
+  #      "get_misses"=>0,
+  #      "total_connections"=>19,
+  #      "curr_connections"=>3,
+  #      "curr_items"=>4,
+  #      "uptime"=>1557,
+  #      "get_hits"=>14532,
+  #      "total_items"=>32,
+  #      "rusage_system"=>0.313952,
+  #      "rusage_user"=>0.119981,
+  #      "bytes_read"=>190619}}
+  #   => nil
+  def stats
+    raise MemCacheError, "No active servers" unless active?
+    server_stats = {}
+    @servers.each do |server|
+      next unless server.alive?
+      with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        value = nil
+        socket.write "stats\r\n"
+        stats = {}
+        while line = socket.gets do
+          raise_on_error_response! line
+          break if line == "END\r\n"
+          if line =~ /\ASTAT ([\S]+) ([\w\.\:]+)/ then
+            name, value = $1, $2
+            stats[name] = case name
+                          when 'version'
+                            value
+                          when 'rusage_user', 'rusage_system' then
+                            seconds, microseconds = value.split(/:/, 2)
+                            microseconds ||= 0
+                            Float(seconds) + (Float(microseconds) / 1_000_000)
+                          else
+                            if value =~ /\A\d+\Z/ then
+                              value.to_i
+                            else
+                              value
+                            end
+                          end
+          end
+        end
+        server_stats["#{server.host}:#{server.port}"] = stats
+      end
+    end
+    raise MemCacheError, "No active servers" if server_stats.empty?
+    server_stats
+  end
+  ##
+  # Shortcut to get a value from the cache.
+  alias [] get
+  ##
+  # Shortcut to save a value in the cache.  This method does not set an
+  # expiration on the entry.  Use set to specify an explicit expiry.
+  def []=(key, value)
+    set key, value
+  end
+  protected unless $TESTING
+  ##
+  # Create a key for the cache, incorporating the namespace qualifier if
+  # requested.
+  def make_cache_key(key)
+    if @autofix_keys && (key =~ /\s/ || key_length(key) > 250)
+      key = "#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(key)}-autofixed"
+    end
+    if namespace.nil?
+      key
+    else
+      "#{@namespace}#{@namespace_separator}#{key}"
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Calculate length of the key, including the namespace and namespace-separator.
+  def key_length(key)
+    key.length + (namespace.nil? ? 0 : ( namespace.length + (@namespace_separator.nil? ? 0 : @namespace_separator.length) ) )
+  end
+  ##
+  # Returns an interoperable hash value for +key+.  (I think, docs are
+  # sketchy for down servers).
+  def hash_for(key)
+    Zlib.crc32(key)
+  end
+  ##
+  # Pick a server to handle the request based on a hash of the key.
+  def get_server_for_key(key, options = {})
+    raise ArgumentError, "illegal character in key #{key.inspect}" if
+      key =~ /\s/
+    raise ArgumentError, "key cannot be blank" if key.nil? || key.strip.size == 0
+    raise ArgumentError, "key too long #{key.inspect}" if key.length > 250
+    raise MemCacheError, "No servers available" if @servers.empty?
+    return @servers.first if @servers.length == 1
+    hkey = hash_for(key)
+    20.times do |try|
+      entryidx = Continuum.binary_search(@continuum, hkey)
+      server = @continuum[entryidx].server
+      return server if server.alive?
+      break unless failover
+      hkey = hash_for "#{try}#{key}"
+    end
+    raise MemCacheError, "No servers available"
+  end
+  ##
+  # Performs a raw decr for +cache_key+ from +server+.  Returns nil if not
+  # found.
+  def cache_decr(server, cache_key, amount)
+    with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+      socket.write "decr #{cache_key} #{amount}#{noreply}\r\n"
+      break nil if @no_reply
+      text = socket.gets
+      raise_on_error_response! text
+      return nil if text == "NOT_FOUND\r\n"
+      return text.to_i
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Fetches the raw data for +cache_key+ from +server+.  Returns nil on cache
+  # miss.
+  def cache_get(server, cache_key)
+    with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+      socket.write "get #{cache_key}\r\n"
+      keyline = socket.gets # "VALUE <key> <flags> <bytes>\r\n"
+      if keyline.nil? then
+        server.close
+        raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}"
+      end
+      raise_on_error_response! keyline
+      return nil if keyline == "END\r\n"
+      unless keyline =~ /(\d+)\r/ then
+        server.close
+        raise MemCacheError, "unexpected response #{keyline.inspect}"
+      end
+      value = socket.read $1.to_i
+      socket.read 2 # "\r\n"
+      socket.gets   # "END\r\n"
+      return value
+    end
+  end
+  def gets(key, raw = false)
+    with_server(key) do |server, cache_key|
+      logger.debug { "gets #{key} from #{server.inspect}" } if logger
+      result = with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+        socket.write "gets #{cache_key}\r\n"
+        keyline = socket.gets # "VALUE <key> <flags> <bytes> <cas token>\r\n"
+        if keyline.nil? then
+          server.close
+          raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}"
+        end
+        raise_on_error_response! keyline
+        return nil if keyline == "END\r\n"
+        unless keyline =~ /(\d+) (\w+)\r/ then
+          server.close
+          raise MemCacheError, "unexpected response #{keyline.inspect}"
+        end
+        value = socket.read $1.to_i
+        socket.read 2 # "\r\n"
+        socket.gets   # "END\r\n"
+        [value, $2]
+      end
+      result[0] = Marshal.load result[0] unless raw
+      result
+    end
+  rescue TypeError => err
+    handle_error nil, err
+  end
+  ##
+  # Fetches +cache_keys+ from +server+ using a multi-get.
+  def cache_get_multi(server, cache_keys)
+    with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+      values = {}
+      socket.write "get #{cache_keys}\r\n"
+      while keyline = socket.gets do
+        return values if keyline == "END\r\n"
+        raise_on_error_response! keyline
+        unless keyline =~ /\AVALUE (.+) (.+) (.+)/ then
+          server.close
+          raise MemCacheError, "unexpected response #{keyline.inspect}"
+        end
+        key, data_length = $1, $3
+        values[$1] = socket.read data_length.to_i
+        socket.read(2) # "\r\n"
+      end
+      server.close
+      raise MemCacheError, "lost connection to #{server.host}:#{server.port}" # TODO: retry here too
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Performs a raw incr for +cache_key+ from +server+.  Returns nil if not
+  # found.
+  def cache_incr(server, cache_key, amount)
+    with_socket_management(server) do |socket|
+      socket.write "incr #{cache_key} #{amount}#{noreply}\r\n"
+      break nil if @no_reply
+      text = socket.gets
+      raise_on_error_response! text
+      return nil if text == "NOT_FOUND\r\n"
+      return text.to_i
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Gets or creates a socket connected to the given server, and yields it
+  # to the block, wrapped in a mutex synchronization if @multithread is true.
+  #
+  # If a socket error (SocketError, SystemCallError, IOError) or protocol error
+  # (MemCacheError) is raised by the block, closes the socket, attempts to
+  # connect again, and retries the block (once).  If an error is again raised,
+  # reraises it as MemCacheError.
+  #
+  # If unable to connect to the server (or if in the reconnect wait period),
+  # raises MemCacheError.  Note that the socket connect code marks a server
+  # dead for a timeout period, so retrying does not apply to connection attempt
+  # failures (but does still apply to unexpectedly lost connections etc.).
+  def with_socket_management(server, &block)
+    check_multithread_status!
+    @mutex.lock if @multithread
+    retried = false
+    begin
+      socket = server.socket
+      # Raise an IndexError to show this server is out of whack. If were inside
+      # a with_server block, we'll catch it and attempt to restart the operation.
+      raise IndexError, "No connection to server (#{server.status})" if socket.nil?
+      block.call(socket)
+    rescue SocketError, Errno::EAGAIN, Timeout::Error => err
+      logger.warn { "Socket failure: #{err.message}" } if logger
+      server.mark_dead(err)
+      handle_error(server, err)
+    rescue MemCacheError, SystemCallError, IOError => err
+      logger.warn { "Generic failure: #{err.class.name}: #{err.message}" } if logger
+      handle_error(server, err) if retried || socket.nil?
+      retried = true
+      retry
+    end
+  ensure
+    @mutex.unlock if @multithread
+  end
+  def with_server(key)
+    retried = false
+    begin
+      server, cache_key = request_setup(key)
+      yield server, cache_key
+    rescue IndexError => e
+      logger.warn { "Server failed: #{e.class.name}: #{e.message}" } if logger
+      if !retried && @servers.size > 1
+        logger.info { "Connection to server #{server.inspect} DIED! Retrying operation..." } if logger
+        retried = true
+        retry
+      end
+      handle_error(nil, e)
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Handles +error+ from +server+.
+  def handle_error(server, error)
+    raise error if error.is_a?(MemCacheError)
+    server.close if server && server.status == "CONNECTED"
+    new_error = MemCacheError.new error.message
+    new_error.set_backtrace error.backtrace
+    raise new_error
+  end
+  def noreply
+    @no_reply ? ' noreply' : ''
+  end
+  ##
+  # Performs setup for making a request with +key+ from memcached.  Returns
+  # the server to fetch the key from and the complete key to use.
+  def request_setup(key)
+    raise MemCacheError, 'No active servers' unless active?
+    cache_key = make_cache_key key
+    server = get_server_for_key cache_key
+    return server, cache_key
+  end
+  def raise_on_error_response!(response)
+    if response =~ /\A(?:CLIENT_|SERVER_)?ERROR(.*)/
+      raise MemCacheError, $1.strip
+    end
+  end
+  def create_continuum_for(servers)
+    total_weight = servers.inject(0) { |memo, srv| memo + srv.weight }
+    continuum = []
+    servers.each do |server|
+      entry_count_for(server, servers.size, total_weight).times do |idx|
+        hash = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{server.host}:#{server.port}:#{idx}")
+        value = Integer("0x#{hash[0..7]}")
+        continuum << Continuum::Entry.new(value, server)
+      end
+    end
+    continuum.sort { |a, b| a.value <=> b.value }
+  end
+  def entry_count_for(server, total_servers, total_weight)
+    ((total_servers * Continuum::POINTS_PER_SERVER * server.weight) / Float(total_weight)).floor
+  end
+  def check_multithread_status!
+    return if @multithread
+    return if @evented
+    if Thread.current[:memcache_client] != self.object_id
+      raise MemCacheError, <<-EOM
+        You are accessing this memcache-client instance from multiple threads but have not enabled multithread support.
+        Normally:  MemCache.new(['localhost:11211'], :multithread => true)
+        In Rails:  config.cache_store = [:mem_cache_store, 'localhost:11211', { :multithread => true }]
+      EOM
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # This class represents a memcached server instance.
+  class Server
+    ##
+    # The amount of time to wait before attempting to re-establish a
+    # connection with a server that is marked dead.
+    RETRY_DELAY = 30.0
+    ##
+    # The host the memcached server is running on.
+    attr_reader :host
+    ##
+    # The port the memcached server is listening on.
+    attr_reader :port
+    ##
+    # The weight given to the server.
+    attr_reader :weight
+    ##
+    # The time of next retry if the connection is dead.
+    attr_reader :retry
+    ##
+    # A text status string describing the state of the server.
+    attr_reader :status
+    attr_reader :logger
+    ##
+    # Create a new MemCache::Server object for the memcached instance
+    # listening on the given host and port, weighted by the given weight.
+    def initialize(memcache, host, port = DEFAULT_PORT, weight = DEFAULT_WEIGHT)
+      raise ArgumentError, "No host specified" if host.nil? or host.empty?
+      raise ArgumentError, "No port specified" if port.nil? or port.to_i.zero?
+      @host   = host
+      @port   = port.to_i
+      @weight = weight.to_i
+      @sock   = nil
+      @retry  = nil
+      @status = 'NOT CONNECTED'
+      @timeout = memcache.timeout
+      @logger = memcache.logger
+      if defined?(EM) and EM.reactor_running? and defined?(MemCache::EventedServer)
+        self.extend(MemCache::EventedServer)
+      end
+    end
+    ##
+    # Return a string representation of the server object.
+    def inspect
+      "<MemCache::Server: %s:%d [%d] (%s)>" % [@host, @port, @weight, @status]
+    end
+    ##
+    # Check whether the server connection is alive.  This will cause the
+    # socket to attempt to connect if it isn't already connected and or if
+    # the server was previously marked as down and the retry time has
+    # been exceeded.
+    def alive?
+      !!socket
+    end
+    ##
+    # Try to connect to the memcached server targeted by this object.
+    # Returns the connected socket object on success or nil on failure.
+    def socket
+      return @sock if @sock and not @sock.closed?
+      @sock = nil
+      # If the host was dead, don't retry for a while.
+      return if @retry and @retry > Time.now
+      # Attempt to connect if not already connected.
+      begin
+        @sock = connect_to(@host, @port, @timeout)
+        @sock.setsockopt Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1
+        @retry  = nil
+        @status = 'CONNECTED'
+      rescue SocketError, SystemCallError, IOError, Timeout::Error => err
+        logger.warn { "Unable to open socket: #{err.class.name}, #{err.message}" } if logger
+        mark_dead err
+      end
+      return @sock
+    end
+    def connect_to(host, port, timeout=nil)
+      sock = nil
+      if timeout
+        MemCacheTimer.timeout(timeout) do
+          sock = TCPSocket.new(host, port)
+        end
+      else
+        sock = TCPSocket.new(host, port)
+      end
+      io = MemCache::BufferedIO.new(sock)
+      io.read_timeout = timeout
+      # Getting reports from several customers, including 37signals,
+      # that the non-blocking timeouts in 1.7.5 don't seem to be reliable.
+      # It can't hurt to set the underlying socket timeout also, if possible.
+      if timeout
+        secs = Integer(timeout)
+        usecs = Integer((timeout - secs) * 1_000_000)
+        optval = [secs, usecs].pack("l_2")
+        begin
+          io.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_RCVTIMEO, optval
+          io.setsockopt Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_SNDTIMEO, optval
+        rescue Exception => ex
+          # Solaris, for one, does not like/support socket timeouts.
+          @logger.info "[memcache-client] Unable to use raw socket timeouts: #{ex.class.name}: #{ex.message}" if @logger
+        end
+      end
+      io
+    end
+    ##
+    # Close the connection to the memcached server targeted by this
+    # object.  The server is not considered dead.
+    def close
+      @sock.close if @sock && !@sock.closed?
+      @sock   = nil
+      @retry  = nil
+      @status = "NOT CONNECTED"
+    end
+    ##
+    # Mark the server as dead and close its socket.
+    def mark_dead(error)
+      close
+      @retry  = Time.now + RETRY_DELAY
+      reason = "#{error.class.name}: #{error.message}"
+      @status = sprintf "%s:%s DEAD (%s), will retry at %s", @host, @port, reason, @retry
+      @logger.info { @status } if @logger
+    end
+  end
+  ##
+  # Base MemCache exception class.
+  class MemCacheError < RuntimeError; end
+  class BufferedIO < Net::BufferedIO # :nodoc:
+    BUFSIZE = 1024 * 16
+    if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9.1'
+      def rbuf_fill
+        begin
+          @rbuf << @io.read_nonblock(BUFSIZE)
+        rescue Errno::EWOULDBLOCK
+          retry unless @read_timeout
+          if IO.select([@io], nil, nil, @read_timeout)
+            retry
+          else
+            raise Timeout::Error, 'IO timeout'
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    def setsockopt(*args)
+      @io.setsockopt(*args)
+    end
+    def gets
+      readuntil("\n")
+    end
+  end
+module Continuum
+  POINTS_PER_SERVER = 160 # this is the default in libmemcached
+  # Find the closest index in Continuum with value <= the given value
+  def self.binary_search(ary, value, &block)
+    upper = ary.size - 1
+    lower = 0
+    idx = 0
+    while(lower <= upper) do
+      idx = (lower + upper) / 2
+      comp = ary[idx].value <=> value
+      if comp == 0
+        return idx
+      elsif comp > 0
+        upper = idx - 1
+      else
+        lower = idx + 1
+      end
+    end
+    return upper
+  end
+  class Entry
+    attr_reader :value
+    attr_reader :server
+    def initialize(val, srv)
+      @value = val
+      @server = srv
+    end
+    def inspect
+      "<#{value}, #{server.host}:#{server.port}>"
+    end
+  end
+require 'continuum_native'

Added: trunk/server/memcached/src/test/resources/test_memcached.rb
--- trunk/server/memcached/src/test/resources/test_memcached.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/server/memcached/src/test/resources/test_memcached.rb	2010-08-20 15:34:32 UTC (rev 2262)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# encoding: utf-8
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'logger'
+require 'stringio'
+require 'test/unit'
+$TESTING = true
+require 'memcache'
+class Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def requirement(bool, msg)
+    if bool
+      yield
+    else
+      puts msg
+      assert true
+    end
+  end
+  def memcached_running?
+    TCPSocket.new('localhost', 11211) rescue false
+  end
+class TestMemCache < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def setup
+    @cache = MemCache.new 'localhost:1', :namespace => 'my_namespace'
+  end
+  def test_set_get
+    requirement(memcached_running?, 'A real memcached server must be running for performance testing') do
+      cache = MemCache.new(['localhost:11211',""])
+      cache.flush_all
+      cache.set('galder', 'b')
+      assert_equal 'b', cache.get('galder')
+      cache.set('views/semantic/1', 'a')
+      assert_equal 'a', cache.get('views/semantic/1')
+    end
+  end

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