[infinispan-commits] Infinispan SVN: r2106 - in branches/4.1.x: core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/context and 1 other directory.

infinispan-commits at lists.jboss.org infinispan-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Jul 27 12:07:09 EDT 2010

Author: manik.surtani at jboss.com
Date: 2010-07-27 12:07:07 -0400 (Tue, 27 Jul 2010)
New Revision: 2106

[ISPN-547] (Improve Flag documentation either in the ref doc or in JavaDoc)

Modified: branches/4.1.x/client/hotrod-client/src/main/java/org/infinispan/client/hotrod/Flag.java
--- branches/4.1.x/client/hotrod-client/src/main/java/org/infinispan/client/hotrod/Flag.java	2010-07-27 15:18:23 UTC (rev 2105)
+++ branches/4.1.x/client/hotrod-client/src/main/java/org/infinispan/client/hotrod/Flag.java	2010-07-27 16:07:07 UTC (rev 2106)
@@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
 package org.infinispan.client.hotrod;
+import java.util.Map;
- * Defines all the flags available in hotrod that can influence the behavior of operations.
+ * Defines all the flags available in the Hot Rod client that can influence the behavior of operations.
  * @author Mircea.Markus at jboss.com
  * @since 4.1
@@ -9,9 +11,11 @@
 public enum Flag {
-    * By default, previously existing values for Map operations are not returned. E.g. remoteCache.put(k,v) does not return
-    * the previous value associated with k. Passing this flag overrides default behavior and previous existing values are
-    * returned.
+    * By default, previously existing values for {@link Map} operations are not returned. E.g. {@link RemoteCache#put(Object, Object)}
+    * does <i>not</i> return the previous value associated with the key
+    * <p />
+    * By applying this flag, this default behavior is overridden for the scope of a single invocation, and the previous
+    * existing value is returned.

Modified: branches/4.1.x/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/context/Flag.java
--- branches/4.1.x/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/context/Flag.java	2010-07-27 15:18:23 UTC (rev 2105)
+++ branches/4.1.x/core/src/main/java/org/infinispan/context/Flag.java	2010-07-27 16:07:07 UTC (rev 2106)
@@ -1,42 +1,108 @@
 package org.infinispan.context;
 import org.infinispan.Cache;
+import org.infinispan.config.Configuration;
+import org.infinispan.AdvancedCache;
+import org.infinispan.lifecycle.ComponentStatus;
+import org.infinispan.loaders.CacheStore;
- * Available flags, which may be set on a per-invocation basis.  These are provided using the {@link
- * org.infinispan.AdvancedCache} interface, using some of the overloaded methods that allow passing in of a variable
- * number of Flags.
+ * Available flags, which may be set on a per-invocation basis.  These are provided using the {@link AdvancedCache}
+ * interface, using some of the overloaded methods that allow passing in of a variable number of Flags.
  * <p/>
- * <ul> <li>{@link #ZERO_LOCK_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT} - overrides the {@link org.infinispan.config.Configuration#setLockAcquisitionTimeout(long)}
- * configuration setting by ensuring lock managers use a 0 lock acquisition timeout.</li> <li>{@link #CACHE_MODE_LOCAL}
- * - forces local mode even if the cache is configured to use a clustered mode like replication, invalidation or
- * distribution</li> <li>{@link #SKIP_LOCKING} - bypasses lock acquisition altogether</li> <li>{@link #FORCE_WRITE_LOCK}
- * - forces a write lock, even if the call is a read.  Useful when reading an entry to later update it within the same
- * transaction</li> <li>{@link #SKIP_CACHE_STATUS_CHECK} - skips checking whether a cache is in a receptive state, i.e.
- * is {@link org.infinispan.lifecycle.ComponentStatus#RUNNING}.  May break operation in weird ways!</li> <li>{@link
- * #FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS} - forces asynchronous network calls where possible</li> <li>{@link #FORCE_SYNCHRONOUS} - forces
- * synchronous network calls where possible</li> <li>{@link #SKIP_CACHE_STORE} - skips storing an entry to any
- * configured {@link org.infinispan.loaders.CacheStore}s</li> <li>{@link #FAIL_SILENTLY} - swallows any exceptions,
- * logging them instead at a low log level</li> <li>{@link #SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP} - when used with DIST cache mode, will
- * skip retrieving a remote value either when doing a get() or exists(), or to provide an overwritten value with a put()
- * or remove().  This could render return values for some operations (such as {@link org.infinispan.Cache#put(Object,
- * Object)} or {@link org.infinispan.Cache#remove(Object)} unusable.</li> <li> {@link #PUT_FOR_EXTERNAL_READ} - flags the 
- * invocation as a {@link Cache#putForExternalRead(Object, Object)} call.</li></ul>
- *
+ * <ul>
+ *    <li>{@link #ZERO_LOCK_ACQUISITION_TIMEOUT} - overrides the {@link Configuration#setLockAcquisitionTimeout(long)}
+ *                                                 configuration setting by ensuring lock managers use a 0-millisecond
+ *                                                 lock acquisition timeout.  Useful if you only want to acquire a lock
+ *                                                 on an entry <i>if and only if</i> the lock is uncontended.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #CACHE_MODE_LOCAL} - forces LOCAL mode opersation, even if the cache is configured to use a clustered
+ *                                    mode like replication, invalidation or distribution.  Applying this flag will
+ *                                    suppress any RPC messages otherwise associated with this invocation.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #SKIP_LOCKING} - bypasses lock acquisition for this invocation altogether.  A potentially dangerous
+ *                                flag, as it can lead to inconsistent data.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #FORCE_WRITE_LOCK} - forces a write lock, even if the invocation is a read operation.  Useful when
+ *                                    reading an entry to later update it within the same transaction, and is analogous
+ *                                    in behavior and use case to a <tt>select ... for update ... </tt> SQL statement.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #SKIP_CACHE_STATUS_CHECK} - skips checking whether a cache is in a receptive state, i.e. is
+ *                                          {@link ComponentStatus#RUNNING}.  May break operation in weird ways!</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #FORCE_ASYNCHRONOUS} - forces asynchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured
+ *                                      to use synchronous network calls.  Only applicable to non-local, clustered caches.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #FORCE_SYNCHRONOUS} - forces synchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured
+ *                                      to use asynchronous network calls.  Only applicable to non-local, clustered caches.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #SKIP_CACHE_STORE} - skips storing an entry to any configured {@link CacheStore}s.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #FAIL_SILENTLY} - swallows any exceptions, logging them instead at a low log level.  Will prevent a
+ *                                 failing operation from affecting any ongoing JTA transactions as well.</li>
+ *    <li>{@link #SKIP_REMOTE_LOOKUP} - when used with <b>distributed</b> cache mode, will prevent retrieving a remote
+ *                                      value either when executing a get() or exists(), or to provide an overwritten
+ *                                      return value for a put() or remove().  This would render return values for some
+ *                                      operations (such as {@link Cache#put(Object, Object)} or {@link Cache#remove(Object)}
+ *                                      unusable, in exchange for the performance gains of reducing remote calls.</li>
+ *    <li> {@link #PUT_FOR_EXTERNAL_READ} - flags the invocation as a {@link Cache#putForExternalRead(Object, Object)}
+ *                                          call, as opposed to a regular {@link Cache#put(Object, Object)}.</li>
+ * </ul>
  * @author Manik Surtani
  * @author Galder Zamarreño
  * @since 4.0
 public enum Flag {
+   /**
+    * Overrides the {@link Configuration#setLockAcquisitionTimeout(long)} configuration setting by ensuring lock
+    * managers use a 0-millisecond lock acquisition timeout.  Useful if you only want to acquire a lock on an entry
+    * <i>if and only if</i> the lock is uncontended.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Forces LOCAL mode opersation, even if the cache is configured to use a clustered mode like replication,
+    * invalidation or distribution.  Applying this flag will suppress any RPC messages otherwise associated with this
+    * invocation.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Bypasses lock acquisition for this invocation altogether.  A potentially dangerous flag, as it can lead to
+    * inconsistent data.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Forces a write lock, even if the invocation is a read operation.  Useful when reading an entry to later update it
+    * within the same transaction, and is analogous in behavior and use case to a <tt>select ... for update ... </tt>
+    * SQL statement.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Skips checking whether a cache is in a receptive state, i.e. is {@link ComponentStatus#RUNNING}.  May break
+    * operation in weird ways!
+    */
+   /**
+    * Forces asynchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured to use synchronous network calls.
+    * Only applicable to non-local, clustered caches.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Forces synchronous network calls where possible, even if otherwise configured to use asynchronous network calls.
+    * Only applicable to non-local, clustered caches.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Skips storing an entry to any configured {@link CacheStore}s.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Swallows any exceptions, logging them instead at a low log level.  Will prevent a failing operation from
+    * affecting any ongoing JTA transactions as well.
+    */
+   /**
+    * When used with <b>distributed</b> cache mode, will prevent retrieving a remote value either when executing a get()
+    * or exists(), or to provide an overwritten return value for a put() or remove().  This would render return values
+    * for some operations (such as {@link Cache#put(Object, Object)} or {@link Cache#remove(Object)} unusable, in
+    * exchange for the performance gains of reducing remote calls.
+    */
+   /**
+    * Flags the invocation as a {@link Cache#putForExternalRead(Object, Object)} call, as opposed to a regular
+    * {@link Cache#put(Object, Object)}.
+    */

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