[infinispan-dev] Adding excludes for log4j.xml to test-jar target

Galder Zamarreno galder.zamarreno at redhat.com
Wed Aug 19 06:08:32 EDT 2009

On 08/19/2009 11:52 AM, Manik Surtani wrote:
> On 19 Aug 2009, at 09:56, Galder Zamarreno wrote:
>> Hi,
>> While working on the ISPN cache provider, I've realised that the test
>> jar contains a log4j.xml and this stops you from using a different log4j
>> settings to the one in the test jar. This is because log4j first and
>> foremost looks for a 'log4j.xml' and if present, it uses that. This
>> cannot be overriden with -Dlog4j.configuration.
>> As a result, I'm adding an excludes to avoid this log4j.xml ending up in
>> the test jar. The other alternative would be to rename
>> src/test/resources/log4j.xml to something else, i.e.
>> log4j-infinispan.xml but doing this would stop the log4j settings from
>> being picked up by default during Infinispan development, hence, I think
>> the excludes setting is the best option here.
> +1 to ensuring it does not get packaged with the test jar, but it should
> still be included in the distro (in the conf directory) as an example of
> how folks can enable logging.

If we want to include it in the distro, it definitely must have a diff 
name to log4j.xml, otherwise it'll get picked up and users won't be able 
to get override it in any way.

Currently we're not including a log4j.xml in the main distro at all.

Btw, while testing this, I noticed that the configuration section of the 
test-jar goal is completely ignored by maven, so the excludes had to go 
into maven-jar-plugin configuration section, hence applying to all jars.

> --
> Manik Surtani
> manik at jboss.org
> Lead, Infinispan
> Lead, JBoss Cache
> http://www.infinispan.org
> http://www.jbosscache.org

Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache

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