[infinispan-dev] Cache chaining and async and transactions

philippe van dyck pvdyck at gmail.com
Thu Dec 17 07:43:02 EST 2009

Hi all,

i am searching for the perfect configuration on EC2 and I have a question about the asynchronous operations.

I would like to chain two caches 1) one filecache 2) one s3cache.
I would also like the transaction to return ASAP when the filecache has committed, and the s3cache to commit the same transaction, but asynchronously.

Is it 'configurable' ?

Right now I use this ... but it is not working (I have to wait for the s3cache to finish what it seems to be an async operation)

<infinispan xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
				<property name="configurationFile" value="jgroups.xml" />

			transactionManagerLookupClass="org.infinispan.transaction.lookup.DummyTransactionManagerLookup" />
		<clustering mode="distribution">
			<l1 enabled="true" lifespan="100000" />
			<hash numOwners="2" rehashRpcTimeout="120000" />
		<loaders passivation="false" shared="true" preload="false">

			<loader class="org.infinispan.loaders.file.FileCacheStore"
				fetchPersistentState="true" ignoreModifications="false"
					<property name="location" value="/tmp" />

			<loader class="org.infinispan.loaders.s3.S3CacheStore"
				fetchPersistentState="false" ignoreModifications="false"

					<property name="awsAccessKey" value="***" />
					<property name="awsSecretKey" value="***" />
					<property name="bucketPrefix" value="store" />
				<async enabled="true" threadPoolSize="10" />
		<eviction strategy="LRU" wakeUpInterval="10000" maxEntries="1000" />
		<unsafe unreliableReturnValues="true" />


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