[infinispan-dev] Distribution, take 2

Bela Ban bban at redhat.com
Mon Jul 20 09:51:54 EDT 2009

General comments:
- It seems that this is a mechanism where you replicate to the 
repl_count instances 'next' to you, ie. similar to Buddy Replication ?

- Are you tying your rebalancing mechanism to the consistent hash 
implementation ? This would IMO be bad because it doesn't allow for 
plugging in of a different CH algorithm !

More comments inline

Manik Surtani wrote:
> DIST, take 2!
> Previous design failed due to two flaws:
>  1.  Transaction logs maintained on sender, for each recipient.  
> Plenty of scope for races, or heavily synchronized.
>  2.  Consistent hash attempted to be overly fair in evenly dispersing 
> nodes across a hash space.  Meant that there was an often large and 
> unnecessary amount of rehashing to do, which exacerbated the problem 
> in 1.
> So we have a new approach, based on the following premises.
>  1.  Consistent hash (CH) based on fixed positions in the hash space 
> rather than relative ones.

Do you have a description of how the fixed-positions CH works ? From the 
bullets below it seems this is like Buddy Replication, where you store 
the data on the N buddies next to you.

>      1.1.  Pros: limited and finite rehashing, particularly when there 
> is a leave.
>         1.1.1.  If the leaver is L, only node (L - 1) and node (L + 1) 
> will have to push state, and only (L + 1) and (L + replCount) will 
> have to receive state.
>      1.2.  Cons: uneven spread of load (mitigated with grid size)

>  4.  Implementation notes:
>      4.4. InstallConsistentHashCommand - an RPC command that 
> "installs" a consistent hash instance on remote nodes.

What does 'installing a consisten hash instance' mean ?

>      4.5. GetConsistentHashCommand - an RPC command that "asks" a node 
> to serialize and transmit across its current CH impl.

Serialize what ? The state (I assume) ? Or the consistent hash ? How can 
you serialize a CH in the latter case ?

Bela Ban
Lead JGroups / Clustering Team

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