[infinispan-dev] [jboss-cluster-dev] MyRpcDispatcher

Paul Ferraro paul.ferraro at redhat.com
Thu Apr 15 19:07:49 EDT 2010

On Thu, 2010-04-15 at 13:11 +0200, Bela Ban wrote:
> thx !
> Why didn't you add MuxHeader to jg-magic-map.xml, is it never marshalled ?

Good point.  Change committed.
I've also moved the declaration of the header id value used by
MuxRequestCorrelator into jg_protocol_ids.xml.

> Paul Ferraro wrote:
> > OK - I've committed the org.jgroups.blocks.mux package.
> > Relevant tests are:
> > tests/junit/org/jgroups/blocks/MuxMessageDispatcherTest
> > tests/junit/org/jgroups/blocks/MuxRpcDispatcherTest
> >

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