[infinispan-dev] Reading data differs from a WAR deployment or an EAR deployment

Sanne Grinovero sanne at infinispan.org
Wed Aug 31 06:33:29 EDT 2011

Hi all,
please have a look into http://community.jboss.org/thread/171521?tstart=0

while the title and environment point to Hibernate Search, the trouble
is not related to Search but to Infinispan core; in short it seems
that it all works fine when using an application deployed in a WAR,
but when using EJBs instead the index is not updated; in fact it seems
the index is updated (correctly written to) but the clients don't see
the updates and are stuck as if a very long REPEATABLE_READ.

You might recall from past discussions that the Lucene Directory
 - requires batching
 - thou shall not configure a TransactionManager on the caches used by
the Lucene Directory
   or if you do, the transaction scope should be left to Lucene, not
having it join a containing transaction scope

So I didn't have time to try reproducing this issue yet, and likely
won't for a week at least, but is it possible that the batching layer
- which we know is calling into the DummyTransactionManager - is
actually connecting my batch to the real TransactionManager ?

Other possible explanations?


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