[infinispan-dev] Why no use async listener executor?

Mircea Markus mircea.markus at jboss.com
Mon Oct 10 09:15:26 EDT 2011

>>>>> Hey guys,
>>>>> Re: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/ISPN-1396
>>>>> While looking into this, I've discovered that we have been creating executors in cache level components, where we're calling submit from @Listener implementations.
>>>>> For example, BaseStateTransferManagerImpl.ViewChangeListener submits a rehash task and TransactionTable.StaleTransactionCleanup submits a tasks to break locks.
>>>>> Did the people that wrote these listeners (Dan & Mircea respectively) consider defining listeners to be called asynchronously? i.e. @Listener(sync = false)
>>>> this can work indeed for BaseStateTransferManagerImpl.ViewChangeListener? This seems like a small change - can you modify that in the scope of ISPN-1396 or do you want me to look into it?
>>> BaseStateTransferManagerImpl.ViewChangeListener? Dan seems to disagree. You meant TransactionTable.StaleTransactionCleanup instead?
>> yes indeed :-)
> Ok. I'll get this changed as part of ISPN-1396.
Thank you.

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