[infinispan-dev] ISPN-ARQUILLIAN - embedded mode

Galder Zamarreño galder at redhat.com
Mon Sep 26 09:50:15 EDT 2011

On Sep 22, 2011, at 2:45 PM, Martin Gencur wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm currently implementing support for testing of embedded caches in
> https://github.com/mgencur/infinispan-arquillian-container project and
> would like to discuss future steps.

Are you expecting to host/maintain this separate from the Infinispan source code?

If not, wouldn't it make sense for it to leave within Infinispan as a separate module(s), preferably just one?

It'd make it easier to maintain...

> As mentioned in http://community.jboss.org/message/551784, the tests
> should look like this:
> @RunWith(Arquillian.class)
> class TestClass {
>   @InfinispanResource
>   DatagridManager datagridManager;
>   @Before
>   void setup() {
>        CacheContainer cm1 = ...
>        CacheContainer cm2 = ...
>        datagridManager.registerCacheManager(cm1, cm2);    
>   }
>   @Test
>   void testMethod() {
>        datagridManager.cache(index).put(xx)
>        datagridManager.manager(index).getStatus()
>        datagridManager.tm(cache)...
>        ...
>   }
> }//TestClass
> where the DatagridManager would be basically class with functionality of
> MultipleCacheManagersTest class (org.infinispan.core.test package).
> I would basically copy the following classes to the new project and do
> some changes (removing all testng annotations etc.):

Why copy? Shouldn't they be migrated over? 

The problem with copying is that you're gonna have to keep them in sync which is a PITA, but maybe you're just seeing this as a 1st step?

> - AbstractCacheTest.java
> - AbstractInfinispanTest.java
> - MultipleCacheManagersTest.java (renamed to DatagridManager)
> The project would depend on 
> infinispan-core-5.1.0.ALPHA2-tests.jar so all the other helper classes
> (being used from those mentioned above) would be downloaded with this
> jar.

I'd then expect the rest of modules to depend on the Infinispan Arquillian module/project, right?

> This is because all these test classes are changing quite often so I'm
> trying to copy the smallest possible number of classes and leave the
> rest in infinispan-core. Later, when I want to update them, it will be
> just a matter of changing of 2-3 classes.
> What do you think about this approach?
> Thanks for each reply
> -- 
> Martin Gencur
> --
> JBoss QE, Enterprise Data Grid
> Desk phone: +420 532 294 192, ext. 62192
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Galder Zamarreño
Sr. Software Engineer
Infinispan, JBoss Cache

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