[infinispan-dev] again: "no physical address"

Sanne Grinovero sanne at infinispan.org
Wed Feb 1 10:52:32 EST 2012

On 1 February 2012 15:18, Bela Ban <bban at redhat.com> wrote:
> On 2/1/12 10:25 AM, Dan Berindei wrote:
>>> That's not the way it works; at startup of F, it sends its IP address
>>> with the discovery request. Everybody returns its IP address with the
>>> discovery response, so even though we have F only talking to A (the
>>> coordinator) initially, F will also know the IP addresses of A,B,C,D and E.
>> Ok, I stand corrected... since we start all the nodes on the same
>> thread, each of them should reply to the discovery request of the next nodes.
> Hmm, can you reproduce this every time ? If so, can you send me the
> program so I can run it here ?
>> However, num_initial_members was set to 3 (the Infinispan default).
>> Could that make PING not wait for all the responses? If it's like
>> that, then I suggest we set a (much) higher num_initial_members and a
>> lower timeout in the default configuration.
> Yes, the discovery could return quickly, but the responses would even be
> processed if they were received later, so I don't think that's the issue.
> The initial discovery should discover *all* IP addresses, later
> triggering a discovery because an IP address wasn't found should always
> be the exceptional case !
> If you start members in turn, then they should easily form a cluster and
> not even merge. Here's what can happen on a merge:
> - The view is A|1={A,B}, both A and B have IP addresses for A and B
> - The view splits into A|2={A} and B|2={B}
> - A now marks B's IP address as removable and B marks A's IP address as
> removable
> - If the cache grows to over 500 entries
> (TP.logical_addr_cache_max_size) or TP.logical_addr_cache_expiration
> milliseconds elapse (whichever comes first), the entries marked as
> removable are removed
> - If, *before that* the merge view A|3={A,B} is installed, A unmarks B
> and B unmarks A, so the entries won't get removed
> So a hypothesis of how those IP addresses get removed could be that the
> cluster had a couple of merges, that didn't heal for 2 minutes (?) hard
> to believe though...
> We have to get to the bottom of this, so it would be great if you had a
> program that reproduced this, that I could send myself. The main
> question is why the IP address for the target is gone and/or why the IP
> address wasn't received in the first place.
> In any case, replacing MERGE2 with MERGE3 might help a bit, as MERGE3
> [1] periodically broadcasts IP address/logical name and logical address:
> "An INFO message carries the logical name and physical address of a
> member. Compared to MERGE2, this allows us to immediately send messages
> to newly merged members, and not have to solicit this information first.
> " (copied from the documentation)
>>>>   Note that everything is blocked at this point, we
>>>> won't send another message in the entire cluster until we got the physical address.
> Understood. Let me see if I can block sending of the message for a max
> time (say 2 seconds) until I get the IP address. Not very nice, and I
> prefer a different approach (plus we need to see why this happens in the
> first place anyway)...
>>> As I said; this is an exceptional case, probably caused by Sanne
>>> starting 12 channels inside the same JVM, at the same time, therefore
>>> causing a traffic spike, which results in dropped discovery requests or
>>> responses.
>> Bela, we create the caches on a single thread, so we never have more
>> than one node joining at the same time.
>> At most we could have some extra activity if one node can't join the
>> existing cluster and starts a separate partition, but hardly enough to
>> cause congestion.
> Hmm, does indeed not sound like an issue...
>>> After than, when F wants to talk to C, it asks the cluster for C's IP
>>> address, and that should be a few ms at most.
>> Ok, so when F wanted to send the ClusteredGetCommand request to C,
>> PING got the physical address right away. But the ClusteredGetCommand
>> had to wait for STABLE to kick in and for C to ask for retransmission
>> (because we didn't send any other messages).
> Yep. Before I implement some blocking until we have the IP address, or a
> timeout elapses, I'd like to try to get to the bottom of this problem
> first !
>> Maybe *we* should use RSVP for our ClusteredGetCommands, since those
>> can never block... Actually, we don't want to retransmit the request
>> if we already got a response from another node, so it would be best if
>> we could ask for retransmission of a particular request explicitly ;-)
> I'd rather implement the blocking approach above ! :-)
>> I wonder if we could also decrease desired_avg_gossip and
>> stability_delay in STABLE. After all, an extra STABLE round can't slow
>> us when we're not doing anything, and when we are busy we're going to
>> hit the max_bytes limit much sooner than the desired_avg_gossip time
>> limit anyway.
> I don't think this is a good idea as it will generate more traffic. The
> stable task is not skipped when we have a lot of traffic, so this will
> compound the issue.
>>>> I'm also not sure what to make of these lines:
>>>>>>> [org.jgroups.protocols.UDP] sanne-55119: no physical address for
>>>>>>> sanne-53650, dropping message
>>>>>>> [org.jgroups.protocols.pbcast.GMS] JOIN(sanne-55119) sent to
>>>>>>> sanne-53650 timed out (after 3000 ms), retrying
>>>> It appears that sanne-55119 knows the logical name of sanne-53650, and
>>>> the fact that it's coordinator, but not its physical address.
>>>> Shouldn't all of this information have arrived at the same time?
>>> Hmm, correct. However, the logical names are kept in (a static)
>>> UUID.cache and the IP addresses in TP.logical_addr_cache.
>> Ah, so if we have 12 nodes in the same VM they automatically know each
>> other's logical name - they don't need PING at all!
> Yes. Note that logical names are not the problem; even if we evict some
> logical name from the cache (and we do this only for removed members),
> JGroups will still work as it only needs UUIDs and IP addresses.
>> Does the logical cache get cleared on channel stop? I think that would
>> explain another weird thing I was seeing in the test suite logs,
>> sometimes everyone in a cluster would suddenly forget everyone else's
>> logical name and start logging UUIDs.
> On a view change, we remove all entries which are *not* in the new view.
> However, 'removing' is again simply marking those members as
> 'removable', and only if the cache grows beyond 500
> (-Djgroups.uuid_cache.max_entries=500) entries will all entries older
> than 5 seconds (-Djgroups.uuid_cache.max_age=5000) be removed. (There is
> no separate reaper task running for this).
> So, yes, this can happen, but on the next discovery round, we'll have
> the correct values. Again, as I said, UUID.cache is not as important as
> TP.logical_addr_cache.
>> This is running the Transactional benchmark, so it would be simpler if
>> we enabled PING trace in the configuration and disabled it before the
>> actual benchmark starts. I'm going to try it myself :)
> How do you run 12 instances ? Did you change something in the config ?
> I'd be interested in trying the *exact* same config you're running, to
> see what's going on !

Pushed it for you, committing the exact configuration changes as well:

git clone git://github.com/Sanne/InfinispanStartupBenchmark.git
cd InfinispanStartupBenchmark
git co my
sh bench.sh

If you look into bench.sh
(as it is at https://github.com/Sanne/InfinispanStartupBenchmark/blob/my/bench.sh
the lines 9, 15, 28 should be the most interesting.

You need to run with Infinispan's default configuration to reproduce the issue,
but I wouldn't mind you commenting on
as well. That's what I'm now using as default for further performance tests.


> [1] http://www.jgroups.org/manual-3.x/html/protlist.html#MERGE3
> --
> Bela Ban
> Lead JGroups (http://www.jgroups.org)
> JBoss / Red Hat
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