[infinispan-dev] KeyAffinityService (nice) - 2 recommendations

cotton-ben ben.cotton at ALUMNI.RUTGERS.EDU
Thu May 16 14:12:47 EDT 2013


First, nice work on org.infinispan.affinity.KeyAffinityService  ... May I
make 2 recommendations.

1.  Add to the interface an overload =

          *K   getKeyForAddress(Address address, K otherKey);    /*compute
address specific version of otherKey*/*

2.  Provide documentation that *explicitly* motivates users to
understand/exercise the differences (and compatibilities) of the
KeyAffinityService API and the Grouping API.  Now, that I have some
competency using KeyAffinityService, I am not sure of which use case would
call for my using org.infinispan.distribution.group.Grouper API (unless
maybe to manage a collection of nodes that have custody of key-set(s) pinned
to it by the KeyAffinityService?).


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